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Basic Evolutionary Genetics. (Mutations & DNA)
MindHACKer Wrote:With all do respect, and please don't get me wrong:
- Being a Christian or Muslim or Jew means that you believe in God, but according to what you said, your not.

I distinctly remember saying that I was Christian, which means I do believe in God. If that's not enough for you, I go to church twice a week and am an acolyte twice a month for Sunday services. Just because I believe in evolution doesn't mean I can't believe in God. I'm offended that you say that I don't.

MindHACKer Wrote:Random chance theory is just like pretending that you can't speak.

I'm not following your logic here.

MindHACKer Wrote:- Who do you think have setup these "circumstances" --> random chance ? pff.

It's entirely feasible that life started by random chance. Our very existence being based on survival is evidence of it. But that's nothing compared to the evidence that hordes of scientists have dug up. The evidence that God made it all is hearsay at best.

MindHACKer Wrote:- most feasible... I think God is the most feasible explanation, I think the way humans were given the free will ("And I wouldn't call the human race a masterpiece, all you have to do is read the paper.") is the most feasible explanation, I think the Quran & the ancient bible is the most feasible.. too bad the bible now is mostly fake,  :-\

There are differences between Christianity and Islam, but I don't think it's really appropriate to discuss them in this thread since it's straying from the topic.

Anyway, as far as life is concerned, there is overwhelming evidence that life started as unicelluar organisms that evolved over billions of years. The evidence for God creating humans through means contrary to this idea is non-existent.

No offense, but it's just plain ignorant to discount theories based on hearsay and claims without any evidence. Theories aren't half-assed explanations. When hypotheses are formed, everyone in the scientific community steps forward to disprove them. Only when the majority of the scientific community accepts a hypothesis as irrefutable does it become a theory. Even at that point people will continue to try and disprove that theory.
[Image: stalker_2011.png]

Messages In This Thread
RE: Basic Evolutionary Genetics. (Mutations & DNA) - by leo - Feb 09 2012, 02:09 PM

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