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The Beauty of Doubt
silly Wrote:The boats that we make are intelligently designed, yeah Smile
but what reason do you have to say that humans are intelligently designed too?
We have evidence that boats were intelligently designed, but not that we were.

what reason? well lets take another example, alot of the houses and facilities such as offices, banks, etc have alarms for different situations for fire for example, but why is that?
of course to attract attention that there is a fire so that it can be extinguished, or in case of robbery if someone breaks into a bank or a house the alarm will go on to show tell the residents that the something is wrong and that someone has broke in isnt that intelligently designed too?
the same applies for the body, why do you have fever when you get sick? its for different reason but one of those reasons is that ''It is a sign that lets us know that our body is working against the infection or sickness''
just like a fire alarm. And why do you feel pain?
Pain is a sign that let you know that your body took some damage for something or you are sick or there is something wrong.
if this is not enough then lets take another example, the human body have alot of functions that shows how it was intelligently designed, for example how does the brain or your eyes functions  if you were to look at a picture or an object: ... mages.html

whether humans were made by mutations or not, i believe the human body is intelligently designed, the processes of the human body are complex and we still dont know all about it with all technology we have now.

silly Wrote:Spartan had a great answer to your chicken/egg question, I was impressed Smile
SpartanOnLSD Wrote:The theory of evolution states that species change over time via mutation and sexual reproduction. Since DNA can be modified only before birth, a mutation must have taken place at conception or within an egg such that an animal similar to a chicken, but not a chicken, laid the first chicken eggs. These eggs then hatched into chickens that inbred to produce a living population. Hence, in this light, both the chicken and the structure of its egg evolved simultaneously from birds that, while not of the same exact species, gradually became more and more like present-day chickens over time.
Gravity is also "just a theory", as is electricity, as is medical science (which provides cures for many disease/illnesses).
darwin says that all the animals, plants, and humans are related by a common ancestor, ok then whats the origin of that ancestor? 
i asked that question about the chicken and agg for this purpose.
As for the gravity, what is science ?

''Science is the concerted human effort to understand, or to understand better, the history of the natural world and how the natural world works, with observable physical evidence as the basis of that understanding. It is done through observation of natural phenomena, and/or through experimentation that tries to simulate natural processes under controlled conditions.''

Iits true that  gravity was a theory too, but gravity has been proven by science, and science deals with facts and alot of the scientific facts were based on the gravity the same goes for the electricity. 
While the evolution is a theory had many evidences to be proven wrong and doesnt have a reliable evidence to support it heres what i mean :



how do create something out of nothing? were you created by nothing? or did you create yourself? where did nature come from? and where did the universe come from? big bang? then where did the explosion come from? who controls life and death?

the more you try to think about it the more questions you will come across, and all leds to the presence of a supreme power.

ps: that is my opinion i dont mean any disrespect to anyone and i dont mean to offend anyone, apologies if it offended anyone as i had mentioned before i had no intention to offend anyone.

Messages In This Thread
The Beauty of Doubt - by silly - Feb 08 2012, 02:11 AM
RE: The Beauty of Doubt - by JayCat - Feb 08 2012, 03:16 AM
RE: The Beauty of Doubt - by silly - Feb 08 2012, 07:23 AM
RE: The Beauty of Doubt - by Assassin - Feb 08 2012, 07:46 AM
RE: The Beauty of Doubt - by SpartanOnLSD - Feb 08 2012, 09:28 AM
RE: The Beauty of Doubt - by Assassin - Feb 08 2012, 09:40 AM
RE: The Beauty of Doubt - by SpartanOnLSD - Feb 08 2012, 10:10 AM
RE: The Beauty of Doubt - by silly - Feb 09 2012, 05:08 AM
RE: The Beauty of Doubt - by Assassin - Feb 10 2012, 07:04 PM
RE: The Beauty of Doubt - by silly - Feb 11 2012, 02:06 PM
RE: The Beauty of Doubt - by naive - Feb 11 2012, 08:28 PM
RE: The Beauty of Doubt - by ruplayer - Feb 11 2012, 08:47 PM
RE: The Beauty of Doubt - by silly - Feb 11 2012, 10:03 PM

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