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Children are born with a belief in God, academic states
I will give him that the human mind may be wired to believe in "intelligent design", but that is a side effect of possessing the intellect to use tools, build things, etc. Once you posses the intellect to apply and adapt purpose to some things, it's pretty easy to extrapolate such systems onto literally anything. To me it is more readily explainable by evolution than intelligent design. If we were intelligently designed to intuitively believe in god, there would be little debate about the subject. To have such diversity in opinion seems like a pretty poor intelligently designed system if gods intent is "intuitive knowledge of god" like the study claims.  If we were "intelligently designed", why would god have chosen such a poor design? Humans are pretty evil, fragile, and violent beings. Most of religion is about denying basic primal instinct, why would god have intelligently designed us in a manner that would simply piss him off?
"Most people think time is like a river, that flows swift and sure in one direction. But I have seen the face of time, and I can tell you, they are wrong. Time is an ocean in a storm."

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RE: Children are born with a belief in God, academic states - by naive - Feb 25 2012, 02:23 PM

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