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I would rather eat glass while lying on a bed of spikes, how about you
so ive recently found out (while on my way back frm munich for a little R&R with my wife) that ive agreed to a contract that binds me for another 2 months back and fourth from malaysia to see my wife and to munich for work as im writing this my soul feels spent but i digress... my question was do i leave and lose a staggering amount of money but get to spend more time with the one i love or do i stick it out for a few more months while i supervise and coordinate the safety some assholes that doesn't  really require what my job entails me to do and let this company suck my fucking soul out, it truely does suck being in a foreign country not having the proper outlet of bravs to get pissed wif and chat shit wif only the phone and computer to stay connected in-order to keep ones sanity -_-