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Ping Masking and POSSIBLE Lowering of the Ping Limit
I, for one, am getting just the weensiest bit tired of seeing these kids with 1 ping or 5 ping, obviously hiding the fact that they have 400+ ping, and yet its pretty obvious because they kill you even though they are aiming 10 feet to the left or right of you.

ANYWAY, the point is, if this hasn't been brought up yet, maybe the servers could get a plugin (if it even exists) to auto-kick/ban people who ping-mask.

Also, my second point/suggestion, is that you lower the ping limit to like at LEAST 300, maybe even 250. I have a feeling that wont be done, but at least think about the ping-masking thingy.

[Image: KJNxG.png]

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Ping Masking and POSSIBLE Lowering of the Ping Limit - by so shut up BOI - Apr 18 2012, 05:41 PM

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