Apr 20 2012, 06:01 PM
joker8baller Wrote:M. Bison Wrote:Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Registry already on a super tight leash for our admins? Also... didn't he say he wasn't going to play on wL again?Registry Wrote:Violent Love: thats cause he knows im banned from the forumsI've lifted the ban on jross and her.
Pishtim Wrote:lol shes not banned from the forums! she and i had already talked about this. she told me shes reading this right nowShe was in fact banned.
George, Of The Jungle Wrote:Oh I didn't notice it was already in flames, game on.Yeah, I moved it. I already saw where this thread was headed.
Pishtim Wrote:I wud seriously re-think his membership in NightWatch. He is making u guys look BAD.Wait, isn't regi$try the guy who got banned 7 times for either inappropriate language or griefing? How'd he manage to get into NightWatch? :o
Anyways, boon responded to his thread with some old vids of him playing... Still pretty funny to see Registry proven wrong again. Not to mention he was a laughingstock of the community for a long time.
Glad I signed up for these forums. I thought I was going crazy and people actually liked this kid.
I checked out his ban list, and all of his names refer to people camping or have been modified to target someone personally, yet he comes on here whining ppl used his name in their names (Even though he had put phishtim and swagg in his names for months and in his sprays). Even his clan tag is camperkiller.
Is it just me who has spec'd him? The kid camps by far more than any regular on warlords, baits, and constantly fails to complete objectives. He calls me out for camping haahahaha. Never seen the kid rush once, or keep his fat mouth shut for more then a minute.