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Fat forecast: 42% of Americans obese by 2030
_RemiX Wrote:Exactly and we have failed long enough time to make changes so our country can be healthy. Thank you for proving my point Jack.
The only reason people don't take care of themselves, is because the government keeps doing it for them.  People get used to it to the point where they expect it.  Just like big banks and corporations, if they can't take care of themselves, I don't think the government should step in and help them.  But it has gotten to the point where they expect it.  We don't need bailouts for fat people.  People that don't do a good job should fail.  You guys keep saying, "oh it's not your fault, fat people, it's that damned McDonalds".  Well that is a lie, it is their fault.  Don't fucking go to McDonalds.  Maybe you haven't noticed, but the more the government has gotten involved with people's lives, the more fat people there are.  Anyway, our country has fat people, so what?  Life expectancy still gets higher?  More importantly, why do you care?  Go help people that don't have enough food, stop worrying about the people that have too much.

Spartacus Wrote:
JackMonroe Wrote:Let people eat what they want.  Why do you care what other people eat anyway?  Government should have absolutely no say in this matter.  It's stupid.  I really don't know why you would want someone telling you what you can and can't eat.  Pisses me right off.  If you want to be skinny, eat right and exorcise.  Don't blame the world around you.

I believe that the government should step in to prevent profit-driven industries from manipulating the masses into eating unhealthy. There has to be some form of control.

The first thing they should do is to shut down restaurants like this.

Heard someone got an actual heart-attack in that restaurant.
Forgive me for not wanting to be controlled when it comes to my diet.  I enjoy a nice burger.  And damnit if I want one, I don't want the god damned government telling me "No, that is unhealthy."  They may as well take away Counter-strike from you as well.  It is unhealthy to sit there on the computer when you could be outside exercising.  They need to go and close down profit-driven companies like Valve for manipulating the masses into playing computer games instead of going outside.

People also have heart attacks in homes, bowling alleys, and parking lots.  Do you think this is because those places cause heart attacks?  Heart attacks aren't something caused from eating at an unhealthy restaurant one time.  It happens from a lifetime of not taking care of your body or because of bad genes. 
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Fat forecast: 42% of Americans obese by 2030 - by JackMonroe - May 09 2012, 08:31 PM

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