May 14 2012, 03:23 AM
This had happened not more then 5 days ago, I had cheated on my fiance, i told her what i had done she left never to return my calls i tracked her down found out she was staying with a friend, I got drunk broke into her house pleaded with her to forgive me like a fool i kept yelling my love for you is true, she stabbed me in the chest with a pen then started screaming i put my hand over her mouth her friend thought i was hurting her she smashed a bowl on me i ask her to forgive me and left. I took the advise of a wise friend to give her time and truly that was all i could do she came back to me only because i was honest about it and we lived happily ever after THE END or so i hope so.
let this be a lesson to you all lying, cheating & hurting your loved ones will only end-up hurting yourself and also making a fool of yourself if you have done so have some honour and respect for your loved ones be truthful no matter how much it hurts to do so, in other words be a man!
let this be a lesson to you all lying, cheating & hurting your loved ones will only end-up hurting yourself and also making a fool of yourself if you have done so have some honour and respect for your loved ones be truthful no matter how much it hurts to do so, in other words be a man!