Jun 27 2012, 11:25 PM
Farhanabeer OMFG, u were complaining incessently during the last time u didnt get to play, and now one little error and rather than post any details u just say 'help me', why dont you uninstall reinstall and repatch only using the current patch and see if it works. If it doesn't then don't go whining in the chat box like u did every damn day when you couldn't play because there was no nonsteam patch. Im not trying to be an ass, im just saying, nobody likes people who constantly consistently complain about something that everybody had to wait for. Next time instead just post a how it happened, not one little obscure sentence. Like did the game freeze when u got this error, did it happen in game, when was the last time you got to play ok, that kind of info so the more knowledgeable members might be able to help u out more.
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6