Jun 29 2012, 02:18 AM
Izzie, post: 65728, member: 8151 Wrote:Hey Cheesy.The only problem with that is We are broke my dad is working overtime my grandparents are dead and none of my moms friends will lend her money.
I'd just like to say good on you for maturing out of your cheats. Looks like you're down for more rewarding and enjoyable gaming experience. I can imagine it must have been tough, and might still be at times, but if you can keep to your resolution, 5 years from now there's no way you'll regret it.
I'm going to suggest something you might not like--at least, it probably isn't what you were looking for when you posted--but is also something I doubt you'll regret even a month from now.
Try buying the game on Steam.
Steam gaming thoroughly enhances your CS:S experience. For me, it's mainly the social side: you get to see which of your gaming friends are online whenever you connect, and chat them up directly, join them wherever playing, or invite them to come join you, but you also get access to scrims and a whole bunch of other servers you never knew existed.
I'm not sure how hard it'll be for you to come up with $20 (note: it sometimes gets a lot cheaper), but it'll be one of the best 20 bucks you spend. And yeah, as you've probably deduced, putting that money down will allow you to play on war-lords again--if can manage to stay straight.
If you have trouble getting access to a credit card, there are still other ways to buy games on Steam.
Happy gaming and good luck!
The Fuzzy Izzie