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Denied  Christ's 24/7 Office Staff App
[SIZE=12px]Name: [/SIZE][SIZE=12px] Christ, or Christ.-[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12px]Steam ID :[/SIZE][SIZE=12px] [/SIZE][SIZE=12px]STEAM_0:0:46255394[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12px]Age:[/SIZE][SIZE=12px] 22[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12px]Timezone:[/SIZE][SIZE=12px] PST -8:00 GMT[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12px]Availability:[/SIZE][SIZE=12px] I normally play when I'm not currently at work, which can be anywhere from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm, or 5:30pm till whenever I decide to pass out.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12px]Tell us something about yourself:[/SIZE][SIZE=12px] I've bowled a 300 in a sanctioned league, and have the ring to show for it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12px]Reason For Admin Application: [/SIZE][SIZE=12px]There really aren't that many admins that are on at all times of the day, and with the few that I have on my list, sometimes there are people spamming mic chat, yelling racial slurs, and being all around asshats, and they normally run rampant until they get bored, or finally someone comes in from the forums and handles them. Yes I understand that you can request a ban for these sort of things with proof of chat logs, but that can take awhile sometimes, and I'm all about taking care of the problem right as it starts. The only servers I play on are wL servers. Office, d2, recently got into MG pretty well. I figured I'd give back to the community that I spend most of my time in.[/SIZE]
[Image: 422229_101.png][Image: 525415_101.png]

Messages In This Thread
Christ's 24/7 Office Staff App [REJECTED] - by Christ.- - Aug 20 2012, 07:05 PM

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