Oct 23 2012, 06:23 AM
It is a common misconception that there is something wrong with the server sided client when you receive these errors. I receive them all the time and it has no effect on anything ingame or client-based period. The fact of the matter is, it's specific to the map and the plugins running at the time. It just shows that a server is running a conflicting plugin and map. In most cases it happens a significant amount on scrim servers that enforce basic skins but in all actuality happens on a regular basis. A vmt corruption is your console telling you that the loading of a specific vmt file, whether it be an entire maps texture or a texture of a barrel within the map, has conflicted in a way that "corrupts" your stored vmt data. In fact it happens often to those who play on distinctly different communities due to the fact that some maps may be alterations and thus have different textures but may withhold the same name parameter. Matt it is nothing to do with the server sided data it has to do with who plays in the server and where else they play as well.
"I am become death, the destroyer of worlds." - Bhagavad-Gita
"There is nothing more devastating than the thought of death. Of complete nothingness. To lose to what you believe your true nature being. Immortality." - James
"True depression comes from ignorance and stupidity. True happiness comes from stupidity and ignorance. Contention comes from a deeper understanding of true nature and the ways in which we try to defy it." - James (So tell me, are you depressed, happy, or content?)
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"There is nothing more devastating than the thought of death. Of complete nothingness. To lose to what you believe your true nature being. Immortality." - James
"True depression comes from ignorance and stupidity. True happiness comes from stupidity and ignorance. Contention comes from a deeper understanding of true nature and the ways in which we try to defy it." - James (So tell me, are you depressed, happy, or content?)
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