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Sneaaaky Fucking Sniper - Application for LDK !
Name: Sneaaky Fucking Sniper
Age: 13
Sex: Male
Occupation: None
Country: Australia
Hours of Availability: Alot (hours change)
Are you currently a War-Lords Admin?:no
Do you plan on applying for War-Lords Admin?: idk
Previous Counterstrike Experience: started a month ago
Previous Games Played: TF2|Dead Island| CODBO|Gmod
Previous League Experience: ?
Favorite Weapon: AK47
Favorite Map: Ski_Mountain_Resort_Fix, mg_jacs_multigames, Scouts

i have been playing on warlords and css for just over a month now, and im loving it.. its the only server i play on. I love playing mini games like, course maps, and strafing! Also enjoy playing on the Snipers server. I prefer scouts than awp, because i believe scouts require more accuracy and i find them more fun to use all over.

Kind Regards.
~Sneaaaky Fucking Sniper Smile

Messages In This Thread
Sneaaaky Fucking Sniper - Application for LDK ! - by Sneaaky Fucking Sniper - Nov 07 2012, 12:34 AM

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