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Sandy Hook Hoax
I imagine a couple, or many, may flame me for this thread but w/e.
I've never been one to believe in any kind of conspiracy, but I recently stumbled upon the notion of people thinking the whole Sandy Hook Shooting thing is some kind of hoax and I've got to say some of it makes sense. Now in no way am I trying to downplay the tragedy of children being killed, but I've come to believe it may not have happened at all (in this case, a 'crazy' conspiracy theory seems rather optimistic). On the other hand it may just be some coincidences and terrible journalism that has led to my being able to believe this.

This video lists many suspicious elements of the whole ordeal, some make more sense in supporting the idea of a hoax to me than others, I'll just mention a few things.

The state's chief medical examiner (in the video) states that a 'long rifle' was the primary weapon, when the M.E. was asked about the caliber of the bullets that inflicted the wounds he was unable or unwilling to answer... seems like the sort of question a state's chief medical examiner should be able to field easily.

Initially it was reported that Ryan Lanza (Adam's brother) was the perp, this was apparently because Adam had his brother's I.D. on him... and further information indicates they haven't seen each other for about 2 years. Doesn't prove anything but it is very odd.

At first it was stated that Adam's mother was a teacher at the school. This is supported by a female reporter relaying the school nurses testimony that she was a teacher and 'exactly the kind of person you would want around your 5 year old,' however later reports indicated that the mother is not a teacher there at all.

At just past 8:30 in that video above, Robbie Parker, father of a slain 6 year old girl, comes out to talk to the press. As he walks out he's smiling and chuckling, then he takes a couple moments and his expression turns grim then he begins talking about the incident. Now if your 6 year old had just been shot to death at school the previous day, is there ANY way you could be smiling and chuckling immediately before you talk to the media about it?

There was a facebook page titled 'R.I.P. Victoria Soto' in memoriam of a teacher that was killed attempting to defend some children, it said it was created December 10th, and the incident occurred on the 14th. It has been removed and recreated... people left comments asking why the page was created before the incident, and apparently someone (presumably the creator) had posted anonymously saying the page was originally for something else and that they then changed it to the memorial after the event, saying their original page wasn't popular anyways. This is possible... but it doesn't make it true...why not just create an entirely new page for Soto? Thin maybe...still weird.

Also there haven't been any surveillance images from the school released. The school is said to have cameras, but there's no pictures (that I've seen or heard of) of the perp on the premises. These sorts of incidents usually have an image of the perpetrator(s) or victim(s) in some fashion (remember Columbine?
I've seen images of ambulances and stretchers, but I haven't seen any images of someone that has been hit...

Again I'll say, I've never actually believed in something like this. I may ultimately be wrong, but there's definitely been a lot of contradictory reports and people behaving unexpectedly in talking to the press...

Messages In This Thread
Sandy Hook Hoax - by Schlacko - Jan 17 2013, 05:00 AM
RE: Sandy Hook Hoax - by cucubelu - Jan 17 2013, 06:34 AM
RE: Sandy Hook Hoax - by lin3ar - Jan 17 2013, 08:30 AM
RE: Sandy Hook Hoax - by mar_heave - Jan 17 2013, 01:24 PM
RE: Sandy Hook Hoax - by Schlacko - Jan 17 2013, 03:59 PM
RE: Sandy Hook Hoax - by joker8baller - Jan 17 2013, 04:15 PM
RE: Sandy Hook Hoax - by ceddeeoo - Jan 17 2013, 04:59 PM
RE: Sandy Hook Hoax - by joker8baller - Jan 17 2013, 05:18 PM
RE: Sandy Hook Hoax - by ceddeeoo - Jan 17 2013, 06:49 PM
RE: Sandy Hook Hoax - by joker8baller - Jan 17 2013, 07:33 PM
RE: Sandy Hook Hoax - by George Of The Jungle - Jan 17 2013, 11:09 PM
RE: Sandy Hook Hoax - by cucubelu - Jan 17 2013, 11:45 PM
RE: Sandy Hook Hoax - by mar_heave - Jan 18 2013, 09:50 AM

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