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Something about World War II :p
what US did with japan in naga and hiro was cruel Sad

The first bomb was a uranium-type and the second bomb was a plutonium-type. Truman wanted to test both types of bombs on real cities to compare and contrast the effects of uranium v plutonium for scientific purposes.

And no, neither of the atomic bombs were necessary, in terms of ending WW2. Many historians state that the Soviet Union's declaration of war on Japan and invasion of Manchuria was what caused Japan's surrender because the opening of another front against the USSR had a much more profound effect on the Japanese people than nukes had, since nobody, not even the average American person, knew what a nuke was. To the Japanese victims nuking cities is akin to the conventional bombing or firebombing of cities, which was simply killing innocent people - and this had been going on for years. If Truman was serious about saving lives he would've waited for the Soviets to declare war, and see Japan's response, before using nukes on civilians.

A US invasion of Japan was also unnecessary to end WW2. The US Navy was firmly against it because it contradicted the efforts of the naval blockade which was working to encourage Japan to end the war. The US Army Air Force was also firmly against it, in particular General Carl Spaatz who argued that Japan would only surrender if the US did not invade Japan because it would deprive the Japanese military of what it wanted - a final showdown against the enemy. The only military branch that wanted to invade Japan was the US Army - allegedly accused by the US Navy and Admiral Chester Nimitz of glory hunting. Therefore, the lives of American servicemen were not necessarily saved by dropping two nukes on 200,000 civilians, because a US invasion of Japan was unnecessary in the first place to end the Pacific War. General Dwight Eisenhower, Admiral Chester Nimitz, Admiral William Leahy and General Douglas MacArthur expressed regret in their memoirs of using the atomic bombs - you can find their full quotations on the net.

Messages In This Thread
Something about World War II :p - by Sibrox - Feb 27 2013, 10:51 AM
RE: Something about World War II :p - by Manky™ - Feb 27 2013, 11:07 AM
RE: Something about World War II :p - by cucubelu - Feb 28 2013, 09:48 PM
RE: Something about World War II :p - by Moriarty - Feb 28 2013, 11:50 PM

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