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Banned  Cadre wrecking/ Team kill Mr Dark
Mr dark followed me around a few maps and rounds, purposely ruining barricades on the Zombie Mod Server. Finally I have had enough with it, so have other players. I finally recorded him. Here is a link to my .dem file through mediafire . Unfortunately, I did not type status in console to show his player or steam ID but i found him through the players list and he has changed his name to kerser, if you look at his steam account aliases you can see he has played under that name before. He has been doing this in different aliases such as Venom, Mr. Dark, Kerser, and Virus. If this is not enough for something to be done, I am more than happy to compile more demos of him. His Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:45586524

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Cadre wrecking/ Team kill Mr Dark [BANNED] - by «ىʟιΐιŋƙϓ» - Apr 27 2013, 09:33 AM

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