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Expired  ThePro, A Jerk In The Minecraft Server
cucubelu, post: 92800, member: 15378 Wrote:Can't you like make a weapon with all them tools they provide and kill him off or something? Or have a herd of zombies protecting your lands? Or gang up on him with Umerk? rofl So many options to choose from, and all involve getting your hands durty! DO IT!
Thats what we do its just that he spawns in nat's house.
He was also here yesterday and destroyed half of nat's house.

Messages In This Thread
ThePro, A Jerk In The Minecraft Server - by Skiller - May 19 2013, 02:38 PM
RE: ThePro, A Jerk In The Minecraft Server - by $UmerK1000$ - May 19 2013, 07:25 PM

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