Jun 14 2013, 04:31 AM
It's been a looong time people, but I need to jump on here quick and thank the community of CSS players here.
Playing as _Redirect_, I was in a clan and all, but our servers didn't have the traffic for any good play for my schedule or my style. I just lost interest and pretty much stopped playing CSS altogether and started playing a bunch of other stuff.
Now playing as _StanleyTweedle_ , I got the itch again after 6 or 7 months and as before your 24\7 D2 DM server was the go to go for some actual fun. Always populated with some decent players ( yes, Stanley has likely angered some of you
), I can hop on after a long day, clear my head, get shot to hell and relax.
I'm so glad to have renewed my interest in this wonderful game and to all of you who've had to put up with me on this server to date, I thank you for helping me to do this. For those of you I haven't run across yet, no I'm not on meth and sure as hell not playing for stats, I'm just havin' fun !
Playing as _Redirect_, I was in a clan and all, but our servers didn't have the traffic for any good play for my schedule or my style. I just lost interest and pretty much stopped playing CSS altogether and started playing a bunch of other stuff.
Now playing as _StanleyTweedle_ , I got the itch again after 6 or 7 months and as before your 24\7 D2 DM server was the go to go for some actual fun. Always populated with some decent players ( yes, Stanley has likely angered some of you

I'm so glad to have renewed my interest in this wonderful game and to all of you who've had to put up with me on this server to date, I thank you for helping me to do this. For those of you I haven't run across yet, no I'm not on meth and sure as hell not playing for stats, I'm just havin' fun !
It's only gaming after all. Keep it in perspective.