Jul 29 2013, 04:42 AM
Moriarty, post: 99332, member: 9168 Wrote:Your "school goals" are boring. I expected some more ultimate goal. Something like "my mother was crocodile and I am Mrs. America" type of story.
srsly? I am 13 what do u expect that's mostly the only goal i have for right now.
Also I had a goal in soccer to go to tier 1(the best level) and to be the captain and I did achieve this goal from the first year. We got gold in 4 out of 8 tournaments, silver in 3 out of 8 tournaments and bronze in the last tournament. I think these are probably the only goals I had once I came Canada and I still want to continue in more achievements.
Double post
Neo//._., post: 99334, member: 14824 Wrote:My ultimate goal is to become president! My father is Barack Obama.