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Man deprives his seven dogs of food and water while on a 2 week vacation, gets eaten
Seven dogs starved of food and water for two weeks are suspected of eating their owner after he returned to his hometown of Batam after a holiday in Manado, local media reported on Tuesday.

A neighborhood guard was curious when he saw luggage lined up at the front of Andre Lumboga’s house, days after the 50-year old arrived back home.

He approached the house, smelled something foul and called the police, according to a report.

“His skull was found in the kitchen, and his body was found in the front of his house,” Eriyana, a local police chief in Batam, an island off Sumatra, told VIVAnews Web site.

Lumboga arrived home last Wednesday, but his body was just discovered on Monday.

“We suspect that the dogs were hungry, so they attacked Andre, because they had not been fed for 14 days,” he said.

Police also found bones of two other dogs, believed to have also been eaten by the hungry canines.

Lumboga was from northern Sulawesi island, a predominantly Christian area, where the local spicy diet is famous in Indonesia for including dogs, bats and forest rats.

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