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Chinese ‘paranormalist’ arrested for exorcising a ‘haunted vagina’ with his penis
Chinese ‘paranormalist’ arrested for exorcising a ‘haunted vagina’ with his penis

– September 9, 2013Posted in: Charlatans, General barminess, Hinduism, You Couldn't Make It Up
A MAN who claimed he could could use his penis to rid a woman of ghosts that had taken up residence in her vagina, was arrested in China after performing the “sexorcism” for which he charged $3,000.

Huang Jianjun was arrested in the Guangdong Province after he convinced A Xin that he could remove evil spirits from her vagina by having sexual intercourse. A day later, Xin reported the incident to the police, and Jianjun was promptly arrested

.[Image: ghost.jpg]

The victim allegedly came to the self-styled “ghost hunter” because she needed help seducing her boss who she had a crush on.

Xin, an employee of a spice shop was so infatuated with her boss that she sought Jianjun’s help to seduce her employer. Jianjun said could help the two fall in love by performing an exorcism.

The pair allegedly met in a hotel room where Xin was asked strip naked. Jianjun then convinced Xin that he needed to have sex with her and that it was the only way to get rid of the evil spirits. He caimed his dick would banish the vaginal squatters who were preventing Xin and her boss from falling in love.

Jianjun insists that he never had sex with the Xin and that he can’t get an erection due to diabetes. He is currently in jail awaiting trial in Guangzhou.

Who are you going to call.... GHOOOST BUUUUSTER....Giggity...
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Former Stargate Worlds International Moderator
that's a pro right there
The most strange thing i've ever heard.
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Wow. I wonder if that works here in the US.
YuRi Approves
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Yuri The Sailor, post: 102263, member: 14856 Wrote:Wow. I wonder if that works here in the US.
Read up on some of the cults that are out there, it will blow your mind how many people actually fall for shit like this.
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Former Stargate Worlds International Moderator
thats the best excuse i ever heard for rape
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Stop Complaining and Pick up A Dumbell

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