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If I Knew Then : Advice on careers, finance, and life from Harvard Business School's Class of 1963

some gems in this.

I only read topics that applied to me at this moment in life. (career, family and marriage, happiness)

Quote:Choose work you enjoy and that serves as many people as possible. Focus on serving others — not on building wealth. Serve well, and money will follow.

Family and Marriage
Quote:Marriage is an 80–20 partnership, on both sides. If you each understand that, you always go out of your way to please your spouse. When both partners do that, you have a happy marriage.

The greatest gift you can give your children is to love one another.

Life Lessons
Quote:That message is that it’s not about the diploma, the bank account, the résumé, the summer home, the books authored, the stock options, the wine cellar, or the luxury sedan in the driveway. "Keep your perspective," they say. "Realize that your purpose in this world is, first and foremost, to make a better life for others."

To those who see their own 50th class reunion as an imperceptibly distant point on the horizon, this may all sound like trite platitudes. "But take our word for it," says the Class of 1963. One alumnus put it as simply as it can ever be stated: “Be kind. Soon we’ll all be dead.”
be the best version of yourself, that's all you can do.
lol the class of 63 and I thought that I was old. :eek:

You do look like you have the focus on what is important. I think that you will go far.

You're Gonna Go Far, Kid
[Image: scary-cat-100.jpg]
Quote:“Be kind. Soon we’ll all be dead.”

It has huge significance in my life.

It's just a friendly reminder that no matter what you accomplish or dream, you’re going to die.

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