Jun 25 2016, 04:16 PM
name ingame:
stead id: STEAM_0:0:148959996
hi there admins.I got banned today for leaving the pug before it ended.The reason was my laptop shutdown due to oveheating i suppose all laptops do.so I waited for a while and opened the game it said i was banned for 1 day.
then i came here and I unbanned myself.well you know its the first time i am getting banned.So i unbanned.
Now i can go to PUG.but still i cant play in pubs like office DD2 dust match dont know why.So admins i want to get unbanned so need help!!!

stead id: STEAM_0:0:148959996
hi there admins.I got banned today for leaving the pug before it ended.The reason was my laptop shutdown due to oveheating i suppose all laptops do.so I waited for a while and opened the game it said i was banned for 1 day.
then i came here and I unbanned myself.well you know its the first time i am getting banned.So i unbanned.
Now i can go to PUG.but still i cant play in pubs like office DD2 dust match dont know why.So admins i want to get unbanned so need help!!!