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Expired  appeal ban
scout idk his full name banned me for switching to a team after being a ringer cause my friend was on the other team (my name was Corul) still is  ( he didnt make the ban until way later into the night for breaking the rules then again iw as on his team before he banned me and had a bad game so he mightve been mad but i think above is the reason and then didnt do it til he got mad. I did not know that was arule eh didnt ask me to do it and go back but after getting banned i saw the rules tyvm
wasnt for switching teams, you disrespected an identified admin and you were not following objectives (clearly trolling).

+You switched team earlier, which i let pass cause you were new, go read the rules now, this is only a 1day ban for things you should get at least 2 or 3 days banned.
ok i saw the ban list now and saw that you banned me but quick question i understand whythis is a rule but i wasnt trolling he was saying that were bad etc etc. so i replied with some sarcasm i understand the trolling rle and admin rule now ty quick question however do we get banned for disrespecting players or just admins glhf
Ideally respect both equally, but only direspecting an admin will get you a ban between the two (except for racism and else specified in rules).
yes im truly not used to this ^ etc since i come from csgo esea on a im team and usually the way to get people to listen is to yell at them until they ignore u anyways ty i make sure to not disrespect anyone glhf

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