name during the game : -cCc-
steamid : STEAM_0:0:172480669
gloopZ loopz or whatever this kid you guys should take hes admin away always the same story he think hes admin so ? hes allow to do everything i guess not and in this case he banned me for teamflashing lemme tell you i PREFLASH every round to stop the hard RUSH of my opponent team n when im playing PUG that means if you play with me at the same site you see im throwing flash you dont run into it but he did and after that he banned me 60min for teamflashing WELL 2min later i was on war-lords he unbanned me ??? like i said this is not first time he probably hates me i can say that becauz when i threw my first flash he said to me Nice job ccc nice flash after that ignored me and stopped coming to the same place i play and guess what after couple rounds he came back where i played and ofcourse i flash the tunnels every round called '' PREFLASH '' in this case it was d2 and he was just waiting for the flash so he can ban me :
if he did the right thing ? why did he unban me like the 1 time before i got banned same shit like this and not even 2min after that ban he unbanned me AGAIN take hes fucking admin away its not first time like i said this kid is a TROLLL and im very respectfull every other player knows me at wL this is not my first day i playing here ;
steamid : STEAM_0:0:172480669
gloopZ loopz or whatever this kid you guys should take hes admin away always the same story he think hes admin so ? hes allow to do everything i guess not and in this case he banned me for teamflashing lemme tell you i PREFLASH every round to stop the hard RUSH of my opponent team n when im playing PUG that means if you play with me at the same site you see im throwing flash you dont run into it but he did and after that he banned me 60min for teamflashing WELL 2min later i was on war-lords he unbanned me ??? like i said this is not first time he probably hates me i can say that becauz when i threw my first flash he said to me Nice job ccc nice flash after that ignored me and stopped coming to the same place i play and guess what after couple rounds he came back where i played and ofcourse i flash the tunnels every round called '' PREFLASH '' in this case it was d2 and he was just waiting for the flash so he can ban me :