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request for command to change warm up map to d2 or nuke.
alot of times ppl and newcommers dont join because the warmup maps are always something funkey..
there needs to be a !warmupmapchage command so we can take it to a basic populated map, 

yes, bison has mentioned to me that if it starts on d2 and changes  they kids will leave, honestly thats 5 min they are in the wl server they never knoew about and tahts 4 min for me to tell them to add server to fav. so we can repopulate the servers.

its really stupid that after midnight servers die and there are like 3 in one  in another 12 in one and 37 in anoher.... if the kids see nue or d3 or just something they know or are famiure with...they will stay even if map changes with captins or rws map vote.

please put some thought into this, im tired of inviting ppl and they have to dl war up map, or they thnk i was joking about a 5v5 because its on some aim map.

also basic bitches dont even know alot of the warmup map levels we have.
not shatying change the order but ust have an option to chage it to a map thats known.

also ..ive noticed admins cannot change map anymore, for when they do it goes back to warmup map then to a funkyaim map again.

community needs to flourish with new commers, lets take a few steps to make that happen.

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