Here come for slay plugin for hard campers. Talking about Pubs.
At the end of the round whoever stay alive without doing objective have to get slayed in losing team.
like if aplayer stay alive for keep his kdr safe/ saving awp whatever. If he not trying for objective and staying alive have to get slayed at the end.
like at the end of the round if bomb didnt get planted. all Ts have to get slayed.
and if it didnt get defused all alive cts have to get slayed.
I think i have seen in Alliedmodders!
if you feel yes / no
Don't hesitate to reply!
Thank you
S Vasanth
Here come for slay plugin for hard campers. Talking about Pubs.
At the end of the round whoever stay alive without doing objective have to get slayed in losing team.
like if aplayer stay alive for keep his kdr safe/ saving awp whatever. If he not trying for objective and staying alive have to get slayed at the end.
like at the end of the round if bomb didnt get planted. all Ts have to get slayed.
and if it didnt get defused all alive cts have to get slayed.
I think i have seen in Alliedmodders!
if you feel yes / no
Don't hesitate to reply!
Thank you
S Vasanth