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What are your configurations to play?
how to u set up your mouse, screen,keyboard to play..? the only thing i modified was the mouse speed.. but i still suckin Sad
[Image: 1UH9a8H.png]

[Image: 5pfuEDP.gif]

DPI x In-game Sensitivity x Windows Sensitivity.

DPI is the DPI on your mouse, a MX518 goes from 400,800,1200,1600.
A Death Adder goes from 450,900,1350,1800.

In-game sensitivity is simply your in-game sensitivity.

Windows sensitivity depends on what bar your windows bar is set to.
1. 0.03125
2. 0.0625
3. 0.25
4. 0.5
5. 0.75
6. 1.
7. 1.5
8. 2.
9. 2.5
10. 3.
11. 3.5

So basically, if your windows sensitivity bar is in the middle, then you multiply by 1, if it’s 5 then you multiply by .75. and so on and so on.

For example, if you use a MX518 at 400DPI with 2 in-game and 6/11 windows, you formula would look like this. 400 x 2 x 1 = 800.

Let’s look at the benefits of using a high or a low sensitivity.

With a high sensitivity you usually have your riflers who are good entry fraggers, and great up close riflers. This is pretty simply explained by the simple fact that they can aim to their enemies heads faster with a higher sens. Generally speaking, the higher your sensitivity the worse you’re going to be in the mid-long range game.

Now let’s look at a low sensitivity. Someone with a low sensitivity Is often times an awper, this is because you have a much smaller margin of error. If you have a high sensitivity and you flick to someone, you might have a millimeter margin of error, but with a lower sensitivity that millimeter might turn into 2 or 3 millimeters. Riflers with this low sensitivity usually play the game a bit differently, a bit more controlled, since if they get in a bad spot, it’s going to be a lot more difficult for them to whip around and 180 someone in a matter of milliseconds.

A person with a low sensitivity is usually someone who has around 900 or less true sense. About 900-1200 or so is a medium sensitivity and anything higher than 1200 is pretty high.
The Rival Wrote:Helmut I think you're probably the nicest guy I've ever talked to. I think your CS:S skills surpass literally everyones on the planet. I found your Facebook, and I printed a huge poster of you, and put it on my ceiling above my bed so every day when I wake up I get to stare at your glorious face and remind myself that maybe if I put in a lot of hard work, time and effort then I could probably be as great as you
League xp-
-K me -
1.5 windows sens * 3500dpi * 2.4 sens = 12600

I find it impossible to play with anything lower than that.

Here's my autoexec:

// GUI:
// CFG:

// Original config by extenz.

// Rates
// -------------------

cl_cmdrate "67"
cl_downloadfilter "nosounds"
cl_interp "0.0333"
cl_interp_all "0"
cl_interp_npcs "0"
cl_interp_ratio "1"
cl_lagcompensation "1"
cl_pred_optimize "2"
cl_predict "1"
cl_predictweapons "1"
cl_resend "6"
cl_smooth "0"
cl_smoothtime "0"
cl_timeout "31642"
cl_updaterate "67"
rate "30000"

// Crosshair
// -------------------

cl_crosshairdot "0"
cl_dynamiccrosshair "0"
cl_crosshaircolor "4"
cl_crosshairusealpha "1"

alias xhair "cl_crosshairsize 4; cl_crosshairthickness 0.5; cl_crosshairscale 2000; cl_crosshairalpha 999"
alias xhaira "cl_crosshairsize 1; cl_crosshairthickness 4; cl_crosshairscale 5000; cl_crosshairalpha 190"

// CL_
// -------------------

cl_autowepswitch "0" 
cl_radar_locked "1"
cl_righthand "0"
cl_detail_avoid_force "0"
cl_detail_avoid_radius "0"
cl_detail_avoid_recover_speed "0"
cl_detail_max_sway "0"
cl_clearhinthistory "1"
cl_debugrumble "0"
cl_detaildist "0"
cl_detailfade "400"
cl_drawmonitors "0"
cl_ejectbrass "0"
cl_forcepreload "1"
cl_phys_props_enable "0"
cl_phys_props_max "0"
cl_playerspraydisable "0"
cl_rumblescale "0"
cl_show_splashes "0"
cl_showhelp "0"
cl_showpluginmessages "0"
cl_downloadfilter "all"
cl_nowinpanel "1"
cl_disablehtmlmotd "1"
cl_autohelp "0"
cl_hudhint_sound "0"
cl_disablefreezecam "1"
cl_show_achievement_popups "0"
cl_burninggibs "0"

// Gibs & Ragdolls
// -------------------

cl_ragdoll_collide "0"
cl_ragdoll_physics_enable "0"
violence_ablood "1"
violence_agibs "1"
violence_hblood "1"
violence_hgibs "1"

// MAT_
// -------------------

mat_monitorgamma "1.6"
mat_alphacoverage "0"
mat_autoexposure_max "0"
mat_autoexposure_min "0"
mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar "0"
mat_bloomscale "0"
mat_bufferprimitives "0"
mat_bumpmap "0"
mat_clipz "1"
mat_compressedtextures "1"
mat_debugdepthval "128"
mat_debugdepthvalmax "256"
mat_diffuse "1"
mat_disable_bloom "1"
mat_disable_fancy_blending "1"
mat_disable_lightwarp "1"
mat_disable_ps_patch "1"
mat_envmapsize "0"
mat_envmaptgasize "0"
mat_fastspecular "1"
mat_filterlightmaps "0"
mat_filtertextures "1"
mat_forcehardwaresync "0"
mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware "0"
mat_framebuffercopyoverlaysize "0"
mat_hdr_level "0"
mat_max_worldmesh_vertices "0"
mat_maxframelatency "0"
mat_mipmaptextures "1"
mat_non_hdr_bloom_scalefactor "0"
mat_parallaxmap "0"
mat_reducefillrate "1"
mat_shadowstate "0"
mat_software_aa_blur_one_pixel_lines "0"
mat_software_aa_strength "0"
mat_software_aa_strength_vgui "0"
mat_software_aa_tap_offset "0"
mat_softwarelighting "0"
mat_specular "0"
mat_use_compressed_hdr_textures "0"
mat_wateroverlaysize "0"
mat_debugdepthmode "0"
mat_debug_postprocessing_effects "0"
mat_force_ps_patch "0"
mat_reduceparticles "1"
mat_postprocess_x "0"
mat_postprocess_y "0"

// R_
// -------------------

r_3dsky "0"
r_PhysPropStaticLighting "0"
r_ambientboost "0"
r_ambientfactor "0"
r_ambientmin "0"
r_bloomtintb "0"
r_bloomtintexponent "0"
r_bloomtintg "0"
r_bloomtintr "0"
r_cheapwaterend "1"
r_cheapwaterstart "1"
r_decal_cullsize "15"
r_decals "2"
r_decalstaticprops "0"
r_dopixelvisibility "0"
r_drawbatchdecals "0"
r_drawdetailprops "0"
r_drawflecks "0"
r_drawmodeldecals "0"
r_dynamic "0"
r_eyes "0"
r_fastzreject "1"
r_flex "0"
r_forcewaterleaf "0"
r_hunkalloclightmaps "0"
r_lightaverage "0"
r_lightcache_zbuffercache "0"
r_maxdlights "0"
r_maxmodeldecal "0"
r_maxnewsamples "0"
r_maxsampledist "0"
r_minnewsamples "0"
r_occlusion "1"
r_propsmaxdist "0"
r_renderoverlayfragment "0"
r_ropetranslucent "0"
r_spray_lifetime "0"
r_staticprop_lod "3"
r_teeth "0"
r_waterdrawreflection "0"
r_waterdrawrefraction "0"
r_worldlights "0"
r_pixelfog "0"
r_eyegloss "0"
r_eyemove "0"
r_eyeshift_x "0"
r_eyeshift_y "0"
r_eyeshift_z "0"
r_eyesize "0"
r_drawspecificstaticprop "0"

// Ropes
// -------------------

rope_averagelight "0"
rope_collide "0"
rope_smooth "0"
rope_smooth_enlarge "0"
rope_subdiv "0"
rope_wind_dist "0"
rope_rendersolid "0"
rope_smooth_maxalpha "0"
rope_smooth_maxalphawidth "0"
rope_smooth_minalpha "0"
rope_smooth_minwidth "0"

// Sens
// -------------------

sensitivity "2.4"
m_customaccel "0"
m_customaccel_exponent "1"
m_customaccel_max "0"
m_customaccel_scale "0.04"
m_filter "0"
m_mouseaccel1 "0"
m_mouseaccel2 "0"
m_pitch "0.022"
m_yaw "0.022"
m_rawinput "0"

// Sound
// -------------------

dsp_enhance_stereo "0"
dsp_slow_cpu "1"
dsp_spatial "40"
dsp_speaker "50"
dsp_volume "1"
dsp_water "14"
soundscape_flush "1"

// Misc
// -------------------

voice_enable 1
con_enable "1"
cl_disablehtmlmotd "1"
hud_saytext_time 12
hud_fastswitch "1"
adsp_debug "0"
budget_show_history "0"
commentary "0"
flex_smooth "0"
func_break_max_pieces "0"
g_ragdoll_fadespeed "0"
g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed "0"
gl_clear "0"
jpeg_quality "100"
lod_transitiondist "0"
mp_decals "2"
muzzleflash_light "1"
overview_mode "1"
prop_active_gib_limit "0"
props_break_max_pieces "0"
showhitlocation "1"
sv_forcepreload "1"
weapon_showproficiency "1"
flex_rules "0"
blink_duration "0

net_graph "1"           
sv_voicecodec "vaudio_speex"

rcon_password ""
setinfo zb_wantautocashcalling 1

// Binds
// -------------------

bind "v" "zb_teamcash"
bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "buy awp"
bind "KP_UPARROW" "buy m4a1; buy ak47"
bind "KP_SLASH" "buy defuser; buy vesthelm; buy deagle; buy flashbang; buy flashbang; buy hegrenade; buy smokegrenade"
bind "ENTER" "sm_admin"

bind "\" "ignorerad"

bind "[" "xhair"
bind "]" "xhaira"

alias "sec_xhair" "xhaira; bind mouse3 def_xhair"
alias "def_xhair" "xhair; bind mouse3 sec_xhair"
bind "mouse3" "sec_xhair"

alias bhop "bind mwheeldown +jump; bind mwheelup +jump; bind Space +jump; bind ALT norm"
alias norm "bind mwheeldown invprev; bind mwheelup invnext; bind Space +jump; bind ALT bhop"
bind "ALT" "bhop"

bind "F5" "rcon zb_record"
bind "F6" "rcon exec server.cfg; rcon zb_stoprecord"
bind "K" "rcon zb_ko3"
bind "L" "rcon zb_lo3"

Game sens - highest. Windows sens - idk middle or something. Mouse dpi - no idea.


Also Helmut, nice one on crediting the original source for that information. I don't think a hashtag counts.
If you read this, you suck.
thanks all. and if u got something else post here =D
[Image: 1UH9a8H.png]

[Image: 5pfuEDP.gif]

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