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rival you are so helpful but your posts are soo longg. sum it up so that i can read less and still get your point Big Grin. Also i realized just now that my laptop only has 1.0 mhz and thats why i fps lagged, but my desktop has 2.8 and its way faster maybe your cpu is a bit to slow :d
[Image: 17619_101.png] Wrote:The Liberal Media,

You have received a warning for spamming. Please cease these activities and abide by the forum rules otherwise we will take further action.

Stop posting pointless spammy posts just to increase your post count. 300 posts in 2 days.

The Team.

The Liberal Media Wrote:rival you are so helpful but your posts are soo longg. sum it up so that i can read less and still get your point Big Grin. Also i realized just now that my laptop only has 1.0 mhz and thats why i fps lagged, but my desktop has 2.8 and its way faster maybe your cpu is a bit to slow :d

No. If something needs to be explained fully, then you have to read. I've read loads of articles, forum posts and 'pedia guides on doing loads of things. If anything, I've saved you a little net research, and my version is the compact version.

Also, you have a 1mhz processor? Wow.
If you read this, you suck.
I, The Rival Wrote:I need to update my thread about rates, since I heard that Bison forced the value "cl_interp_ratio 1" on all the servers.

But you should try these rates :

cl_updaterate 66
cl_cmdrate 66
rate 35000
cl_interp 0.0303
cl_interp_ratio 1

That basically sets all your rates up to default, whilst setting your lerp to 30.3ms. If it remains white, then that's the lerp for you. Also, "force_preload" make the map load before entering the server, so you don't have to render all the models whilst walking around.

Well here is what I get when I try this config. I get 30.3 lerp, but it is orange. Any ideas?

[Image: lerp.jpg]
[Image: scary-cat-100.jpg]
I, The Rival Wrote:
The Liberal Media Wrote:rival you are so helpful but your posts are soo longg. sum it up so that i can read less and still get your point Big Grin. Also i realized just now that my laptop only has 1.0 mhz and thats why i fps lagged, but my desktop has 2.8 and its way faster maybe your cpu is a bit to slow :d

No. If something needs to be explained fully, then you have to read. I've read loads of articles, forum posts and 'pedia guides on doing loads of things. If anything, I've saved you a little net research, and my version is the compact version.

Also, you have a 1mhz processor? Wow.

Write in derp language. Btw, I'm sure someone asked this before, but I'd like to know the correlation between latency and opponents registry on me.

For example, i have people who whine about my 200 ping when they can't hit me. I have good rates and i think that's what really matters.
be the best version of yourself, that's all you can do.
JayCat Wrote:Well here is what I get when I try this config. I get 30.3 lerp, but it is orange. Any ideas?
[Image: lerp.jpg]

It means that 30.3ms lerp is too low, so you need a slower response time to not be dropping packets. Basically your interp value is 1/1000th of your lerp. So in that screenshot you're using "cl_interp 0.0303" and your lerp goes to "30.3ms", get it? So what you want to do it find the lowest value that your lerp will remain white. Try doing "cl_interp 0.0310" to give you 31ms lerp. If it remains white, keep lowering the value (0.0309,0.0308) until you get to the lowest value in which it remains white. I know it sounds like a long process, but you hit it eventually.

Spartacus Wrote:Write in derp language. Btw, I'm sure someone asked this before, but I'd like to know the correlation between latency and opponents registry on me.

For example, i have people who whine about my 200 ping when they can't hit me. I have good rates and i think that's what really matters.

Do you mean latency, or do you actually mean ping? Latency is the time it takes for data to be sent from YOU to the SERVER. Ping is the measurement (in ms) of how long it takes for that data to be sent to you and then BACK to the server again. I'm going to assume you meant ping.

So your ping tells you how long it takes for data to make the round trip between you and the server (measured in milliseconds). Obviously if it takes a longer time for the data to be sent and received, then you're not going to hit people when you think you are, since you're not receiving their locational data fast enough, meaning that whilst they are displayed on your screen, you're actually seeing old data. Think of it as looking at the stars; most of them have died long ago, you're just seeing what used to be there because it takes so long for the light to travel.

This would be a bit shit, but there are 2 defining factors in the Source engine that help compensate for this. There is "lerp", and there is the Source history buffer.

The buffer on Source engine games is actually pretty clever. What it does (in simplest terms) to give the server breathing room between ticks (responses to queries from clients and sending out data), is hold the data back for a little while before sending it out. So the server will stock up on data for a little while, and then begin to respond to client queries. It does it in a way that the delay begins at the start of the map, so you wouldn't notice the delay. This means that generally, the way that damage registers is down to how well you're interpolating data.

"Lerp" stands for "linear interpolation", which is how data between you and the server is merged together to create the actions on your screen. It's actually measured in milliseconds because it's a response. It's very important to keep that in your mind.

The lower the lerp, the quicker it is that you'll put the data together that you've received from the server, in correlation with the data that you're also sending to the server. So that, coupled with the buffer, can actually help make a huge difference to that massive round trip that the data often has to take. So if your lerp is low (or even just the same as your opponents)and remains white at all times, your hits should register fine, as long as the other person is following the same criteria as you. It's hard to explain.

TLDR : The relation between ping and hit registration is very little cosof source engine makes it all good for everyone.
If you read this, you suck.
I, The Rival Wrote:It does it in a way that the delay begins at the start of the map, so you wouldn't notice the delay. This means that generally, the way that damage registers is down to how well you're interpolating data.

I don't get how they can collate the delay at the start of the map and not during the game.

Anyway, that was really informative. Thanks for explaining the terminologies. Not that it matters to my initial question,does it mean that

Latency = Ping/2

Back to my question on "ping" and "opponent's registry on me", so the conclusion to your explanation is that lerp(linear interpolation) is what  determines registry? In engineering(where i'm from), linear interpolation is normally used to determine a specific point between 2 known coordinates or data. I'm still trying to picture how it fits here.

Is it right to put whatever you said in an equation as such,

Lerp + Buffer = Data Displayed on Screen 


Or is lerp just the dominant component, because buffer affects lerp as well.
be the best version of yourself, that's all you can do.
Spartacus Wrote:
I, The Rival Wrote:It does it in a way that the delay begins at the start of the map, so you wouldn't notice the delay. This means that generally, the way that damage registers is down to how well you're interpolating data.

I don't get how they can collate the delay at the start of the map and not during the game.

It backs up constantly throughout the map, so it doesn't go out of sync when a new player joins. I said it starts when the map begins Tongue I'd imagine the tick buffer refreshes when each round begins? I had a really good guide that explained it better than me, but I deleted all my CS:S bookmarks :/

Spartacus Wrote:Anyway, that was really informative. Thanks for explaining the terminologies. Not that it matters to my initial question,does it mean that

Latency = Ping/2

You'd think so, but I don't think it's generally the case of being able to divide your ping by 2 and find your latency. The best way to determine is to look at the scoreboard (which displays latency) and then look at your netgraph (which displays ping). You'll notice that they're often different values, and that's because one of them is displaying your response time to the server, and one is displaying the data round trip time. Here's a screenshot I took off Bahs profile to demonstrate what I mean :

[Image: a7b887fc15.png]

Spartacus Wrote:Back to my question on "ping" and "opponent's registry on me", so the conclusion to your explanation is that lerp(linear interpolation) is what  determines registry? In engineering(where i'm from), linear interpolation is normally used to determine a specific point between 2 known coordinates or data. I'm still trying to picture how it fits here.

Forgive me, I am still a little fresh on the whole thing. I did write a big guide on this a while back, so apologies if I contradict myself anywhere here as well. You can check out the old thread, it's on the forums here somewhere.

Forget about ping/latency. It's just telling you how quickly it takes you to get a response from the server (generally packet requests). This is merely how long it takes for you to get a response, not how long it takes for a packet to travel. That's down to your rates. On net_graph, the 2 values that say "IN : 23.5k/s" and "OUT : 6.5k/s" are the speeds in which you're sending packets, and the ones next to it are how many packets you're sending/receiving per second. As long as they match the servers tickrate (66/s) then you're receiving and sending packets as fast as the server is. Sure, they have longer to travel, but it's such split second stuff that coupled with the buffer and good interpolation response time, you'd barely notice it.

As far as I understand it, the server will interpolate the data based on where you were and where you're going to be. It can determine where you're going to be because of the buffer (it already knows because its 10ms ahead of you, a speed which you'd never notice as it's humanly impossible), and it knows where you are because you've already been there (obvious). So if you're not updating quick enough, or you're dropping packets (and therefore losing positional data and getting choke), then your position will not be updated, and as far as the server is aware, your hitbox won't be in line with where your opponent thinks it is.

A fast interpolation of data coupled with the correct uploading/downloading packet speed, and you should never notice anyone having trouble hitting you, or you hitting them.

Everyone is very quick to blame other peoples pings for them missing. In fact, it could be several things; the player models not registering the damage correctly due to Valves "model damage accumulation fix" (I use the term "fix" extremely lightly), underestimating recoil, or simply just missing (and most of the time, people do actually just miss but get mad because they can't take the fact that they missed a shot).

Spartacus Wrote:Is it right to put whatever you said in an equation as such,

Lerp + Buffer = Data Displayed on Screen 


Or is lerp just the dominant component, because buffer affects lerp as well.

I'd say you're missing out the key factor here; how quickly you're receiving/sending packets to the server. I explained it in another thread (and therefore am not going to explain it again, the thread is one of those guides I did). If you can't send/receive packets quick enough, then you're not going to have anything to interpolate. The buffer isn't such an important component, it's mainly meant to just help servers that undergo a momentary lapse of power, or a sudden strain on the CPU. It also helps the server stay one step ahead of the players, because it has to send out data so quickly, it needs a head start, otherwise the CPU would be getting overworked too much.

Is there any specific question that you actually wanted to ask? It seems that there is a scenario bothering you. If it's other players complaining that you lag and taking the piss out of your ping, tell them to fuck off and suck your lerp Tongue
If you read this, you suck.
I think I'd have to digest all that information first.

Are all of that going to tested in the finals, Sir?

I joke i joke. I'll read up more when I get back from work.
be the best version of yourself, that's all you can do.
JayCat Wrote:
I, The Rival Wrote:I need to update my thread about rates, since I heard that Bison forced the value "cl_interp_ratio 1" on all the servers.

But you should try these rates :

cl_updaterate 66
cl_cmdrate 66
rate 35000
cl_interp 0.0303
cl_interp_ratio 1

That basically sets all your rates up to default, whilst setting your lerp to 30.3ms. If it remains white, then that's the lerp for you. Also, "force_preload" make the map load before entering the server, so you don't have to render all the models whilst walking around.

Well here is what I get when I try this config. I get 30.3 lerp, but it is orange. Any ideas?

[Image: lerp.jpg]
yes i had the same thing jay, so i changed my interp to cL_interp 0.0333
i think i took that from riser and according to him its the same as cl_interp 0 and it will be white too.

Sometimes my ping becomes high when i play in pop maps while in other wl servers its normal and when im dead my ping is low but when a new round begins ping goes high again, this been happening for a while now, anyone knows why?
get a better isp. or it could be something to do with your networking hardware too...but im not saying that is the could be a few things.
[Image: jmchoooiumxgp4oyra5.png][Image: 4im0y2kvr2yk2v2nr7.png] ... n#msg34895
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naive Wrote:I've fallen asleep cuddling a laptop before, don't judge me.

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