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how math is involed with computers and the internet
one of my close friends runs a server hosting(that he lets me help mange).. for the math eggs you going to like this.

So he has 10 servers with about 100TB of memory per server(Has 10 10TB network memory for rent)

10*100=1000TB of memory

he hosts 120 sites localy

1000/120 about 8.3TB

one of the sites is a privite social network. it has about 900 members 400 of them post about 10-20 times every day.

900-400=500 that post under 10 times a day

each post is 20MB

20*10=200MB*500 =10TB

now for the people that post more then 20


now together that equals out 26TB but the site only rents 2.7TB extra.

alot of the posts are eased after 24 hours only the one that active are kept.
~The lonely Stoner seems to free his mind at night~
thx for the info.,
but my math failed.
Dre@m$ Wrote:each post is 20MB
??? Social networks don't require that much space because you only upload text & image bytes, videos ain't allowed, so the avg should be 2 to 5 MB per post, "20" is just not right.
[Image: bxj6gaq99c9hyvinfkvn.jpg]
[Image: w0l5y0.png]
MindHACKer Wrote:
Dre@m$ Wrote:each post is 20MB
??? Social networks don't require that much space because you only upload text & image bytes, videos ain't allowed, so the avg should be 2 to 5 MB per post, "20" is just not right.
Also pics get compressed  :Smile
[Image: mrpa43.png]
A petabyte of memory?! That's a lot of RAM. I think you mean disk space. 20mb per post would be absurd for a social network. Is every single post a super high res image?

I think some of your assumptions are incorrect, but let's take a look at some of the costs for this kind of thing on amazon's cloud (competitive pricing)

Disk space costs:

27,000gb * (.11 per gb storage (Amazon s3)) == $2,970 per month

Bandwidth costs:

27,000gb * (approx .11 per gb outbound bandwidth (Amazon s3)) == $2,970 per month

Looking at close to 6k a month in costs before you even get in computational time for serving the files.

For a social network w/ 400 users, that would mean each user would have to be worth $15 per month minimum, just to cover costs. Facebook is lucky if it can make $0.15 per user per month.

Facbook makes around a billion a year I think.
1,000,000,000 / 12 months = 83,333,333.33 per month / 800,000,000 users = approx 10 cents per user per month

In short, I think you're vastly overestimating the needs of that site.
"Most people think time is like a river, that flows swift and sure in one direction. But I have seen the face of time, and I can tell you, they are wrong. Time is an ocean in a storm."
There are much cheaper, effective solutions to such a bandwidth/storage issue, but the calculations appear to be so far off it's insane. A 20MB posting would consist of several images in addition to dozens of pages of text. Considering the average IQ of and effort put forth by the majority of social network users, I doubt they're writing small novels.

However, assuming the numbers are accurate, my math would suggest that at certain times of the day said servers will be choked to death from overuse. Unless we're talking a cloud, I can't imagine the servers have any level of performance to speak of, considering the proposed user demand.
Anubis Wrote:Considering the average IQ of and effort put forth by the majority of social network users, I doubt they're writing small novels.

Haha. Who knows, the next Tolstoy could be a facebook addict.

"Nothing is so necessary for a young man as the company of intelligent women"


"oh em gee i need me sum pussy kno whut im sayin rite?!? lmfao dude"
social network sites don't even use 1mb for posts of text, that's a post of 1048576 characters if you are using powers of 2 standard, or 1000000 if you're using powers of 10 (MB vs Mb)

image posts i can see reaching a megabyte with megapixel cameras being so common these days (1 megapixel = 1 million pixels, assuming true color format that's 24 bits per color/pixel so an uncompressed 1mpx picture is approximately 24mb in raw format) but it's unlikely that everyone is posting pictures on every single post.

also HDD space is not called memory it's called storage and storage is extremely cheap and getting cheaper every year.

also your statistics are very inaccurate because you're not taking into account any of the other data that makes a social networking site work such as meta data, layers upon layers of meta data that link everything and everyone together.

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