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Yow there, just wanna introduce myself since I'm new with this website. My steam name btw is Ryaan #Deag. Been playing for a while at your servers at WL specially Pop maps. All I could say is, "Servers are pretty good".  Wink I also love playing at WL scrim and with other scrim players like Bison and Keger.  Hope we could play sometime.  Big Grin
I came from the edge of the world. The end of nothing.
Welcome to the community, we hope you enjoy your stay and have a good time here as well!

1. What servers do you play on?
2.What's your in-game name?

Also let us know more about you here:
Post yourself!
Favorite War-Lords CS:S Server
This or That?
Favorite Movies
and some more while you swim in our forums..

Welcome to
I played with you on pop maps ;D, I was one of the admins of TheInfamousPro, Welcome on board sir!
[Image: 1UH9a8H.png]

[Image: 5pfuEDP.gif]
Welcome to, enjoy your stay.
(° ‿ ° ✿)

[Image: EternalReaper.png]
[Image: 2hmjw44.png]

DRUNK_KILLER Wrote:Welcome to the community, we hope you enjoy your stay and have a good time here as well!

1. What servers do you play on?
  -Popular Maps most of the time. Sometimes at 24/7 dust2.  ;D

2.What's your in-game name?
  -Ryan #Pawned you (as of the moment) but Ryaan! #deag most of the time. Smile

Also let us know more about you here:
Favorite War-Lords CS:S Server
This or That?
Favorite Movies
and some more while you swim in our forums..

Welcome to
I played with you on pop maps ;D, I was one of the admins of TheInfamousPro, Welcome on board sir!
I came from the edge of the world. The end of nothing.
Welcome to our community. Get involved and have a nice time =D
[Image: russs-jpg.1685]
Welcome and enjoy ur stay.
Welcome to the most awesome server ever!
[Image: BmigF.png]

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