Poll: Possible prevention solutions? Show Results
Stricter gun control
2 50.00%
Emphasis on medical psychiatric research
0 0%
Curb medium sensationalism
2 50.00%
All of the above
0 0%
0 0%
Total 4 vote(s) 100%
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Colorado Shooting Suspect James Holmes In Court
be the best version of yourself, that's all you can do.
I don't know if you can do something about the sensationalism of the media. Even if you could, nowadays there's the new types of media which you can't really control.

(Emphasis on medical psychiatric researc):
It usually turns out that most of these guys were seemingly normal people. Maybe they were/are normal. Normal people can go batshit too.

Stricter gun control may help I think. But seeing that it's the US, this issue is pretty controversial. You know, the right to a set of beararms.
And you can't prevent it completely with that. Our gunlaws are much stricter but it happened here too (not as much, but still). Last year, some guy started shooting around with an AK and threw a couple of grenades in a public place. He got them from the black market.
No on stricter gun laws. They don't do anything, one guy doesn't mean you should take it away from everyone...

It's stupid, you can pick up an illegal glock for under $200, but for me to buy a legal one I have to wait 10 days and pay $600? Right... Something seems wrong here.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
He showed no reaction in court according to the news reports, despondent.
It was interesting, when NPR reviewed this on All Things Considered it was pointed out that it was the same as the other similar happenings, that it was different in its individual circumstance, but the same as the other non-explainable/hard to explain ones at Columbine, Virginia Tech. Same kind of media frenzy, perpetrator using guns, same most likely everyone will forget except the victims after like a year or so. Also, it was said many people would try to come out and explain it and try to find a logical explanation, but there really simply is none. A remorseless man who shows no reaction to what he just did, not even a facial expression.
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
Spart, I can't stop watching your gif.

Also, I hope that this guy gets the death penalty.
[Image: 432818_101.png]

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