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Denied  Ban Appeal
Name: Batman!
SteamID: 0:1:49928395
Server: War-Lords Sniper Server

Hello, I was ban just a few minutes ago for cheating. Yes, cheating. My friends came over today to hang out and play games. I was playing Cod, while my friend played CSS in wL's sniper server. After a few hours of playing, I heard him laughing. So I was wondering why he was laughing. He told me my account got banned. I was pissed. I asked why and what did he do? He said he downloaded some kind of wall hack and was banned after a few minutes of using it. Anyways, all I'm saying is, please consider this appeal. This is the only game I play. The Cod I was playing on was my friend's own (Not the one who got me banned). I'm not rich and have nothing to play now since the only server I play on is the wL sniper server. Which I play every single day on. I have no intention of doing any hacking or cheating. I didn't even know what wall hack was until he showed me. I'm just an average person. I have no job because I'm still in high school and can't afford to buy a new CSS. So please, I'm hoping for your kind consideration. Thanks.
Ask your friend to pay for it? He was the one that got you banned and most likely VACed,
He wouldn't do so. He doesn't even have money to buy a bottled water.

Just please help me resolve this case. I really love playing CSS. /:

I had to search up how to find the steam ID. And I got the wrong one. It was already posted in the ban list and I didn't know.
SteamID is actually 0:0:15535031.

My friend came by today to help me make fruit salad for my birthday party tomorrow. I asked him to show me how he did the hack thing to explain what he really did. Anyways, here's how he did it. He installed a program called Cheat Engine from his flash drive to my computer. He used the console and typed in sv_cheats 99999. He then used the program to change the value of to 1 to make sv_cheats work on the server. Once he got in the game he typed in a code that shows people in clear blue form. That's all he told me. Hope you guys could take this into consideration. Thanks in advance.

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Not sure if we could bump.. I really miss playing in the sniper server. Please reply asap. /:
Just an opinion here, but:

1. Find better friends
2. Start doing extra chores for $$ and buy that legit copy of CS:S from Steam.

This is not a trolling post, I mean every letter of every word.
[Image: 552360_101.png]
Or make your (friend) do these chores.
[Image: scary-cat-100.jpg]
Simple solution.
1. Kill your friend, but make it look like an accident.
2. Start a charity in his name.
3. Use the money gained by this charity to buy new copy of CS from steam.
Mow a lawn. Earn a 20. Buy css. Dont let friend on css
[Image: 8yi3kn.png]
Making money isn't that easy where I live.

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Any admins? Please approve this appeal. /:

Double post

I've been stuck playing with noobsalad servers, and they're boring as hell. Please, do something about my ban appeal. I would really appreciate it.
Quote:Ask your friend to pay for it? He was the one that got you banned and most likely VACed.

(° ‿ ° ✿)

[Image: EternalReaper.png]
[Image: 2hmjw44.png]

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