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Deaf 3 Year Old Violates School Weapons Policy with Name Sign

this is so...stupid.
be the best version of yourself, that's all you can do.
Over-sensitive pussies in Administration positions are what cause absolute fucking RETARDED shit like this...... whew..... got it all out now....
[Image: 552360_101.png]
thats ridiculous.. telling the parents that there son needs to change there name because the symbol for his name is against school rules? thats just stupid.
[Image: JAFxq.png]
[Image: like-a-boss-tina-png.1491]
[Image: Chuck-Norris-snipes-kittens.gif?]
Taking kitties out one at a time.
That's absurd. I watched the video two times. I couldn't believe what they were saying, I thought I didn't understand something.
Meanwhile, in a lot of places you can wear your gun to do grocery shopping. Makes sense.
Man there lucky i dont live in there damn country, Honestly change is name cool then why they could spend the fucking 1000$'s of dollars to get that kid to re-learn a new sign language name fuck people these days before you know it pointing ur finger at someone will be putting you in jail like fack
[Image: 481925_101.png]

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