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Hey i am shouting out to all the new people i be playing with and all the old people who remember me. Wish all goodluck and very much fun in there games Smile Questions shoot
[Image: 481925_101.png]

I think I vaguely remember you from the beginning of the year. What's crackalacking?
George, Of The Jungle Jun 29, 2012:
Is this the profile of a bear?? Hmm, I didn't know bears were capable of playing css. Don't they break the keyboard with their massive paws? This is very peculiar and requires further investigation. If this is true, no one knows what kind of risks this might hold. They might electrocute themselves, maybe they become addicted to the game causing them to neglect their parental tasks. What must become of their offspring?
I will select a team consisting of the world's foremost scientists that will go about this scientific quest in the uttermost professional manner. This taskforce will carry the name "CANBURZREALLYPLAYCOUWNTERTRIKE - HUHWHUT????". I trust upon these men a task of huge importance, the fate of bearkind may depend on it. Godspeed men, Godspeed!
Welcome to the forums Pooterking! See you alot in minigames.
[Image: JAFxq.png]
[Image: like-a-boss-tina-png.1491]
[Image: Chuck-Norris-snipes-kittens.gif?]
Taking kitties out one at a time.
Thanks Tina and yeah Izzie it was beginning of te year i got a new laptop then for christmas but punched my keyboard into my cpu and ram and stuff soooo got a new one now and will enjoy playing with everyone Smile
[Image: 481925_101.png]
Studies have shown that punching keyboards can be hazardous to your knuckles.
If it happens again, try to wear a sturdy pair of gloves.:eek:
George, Of The Jungle Jun 29, 2012:
Is this the profile of a bear?? Hmm, I didn't know bears were capable of playing css. Don't they break the keyboard with their massive paws? This is very peculiar and requires further investigation. If this is true, no one knows what kind of risks this might hold. They might electrocute themselves, maybe they become addicted to the game causing them to neglect their parental tasks. What must become of their offspring?
I will select a team consisting of the world's foremost scientists that will go about this scientific quest in the uttermost professional manner. This taskforce will carry the name "CANBURZREALLYPLAYCOUWNTERTRIKE - HUHWHUT????". I trust upon these men a task of huge importance, the fate of bearkind may depend on it. Godspeed men, Godspeed!
haha thanks
[Image: 481925_101.png]
Punching keyboards is for weaklings. Punch your CRT instead, baws!
You will have to excuse George he isn't the sharpest blade in the case. Nice to meet ya pooter, keep your pootin to urself tho.
Is this thing on?

[Image: 11qid6d.jpg]
Dont Punch, use ur face. it will make it look better. :eek:
[Image: FinalFantasySigSHARPEN.png]
[SourceBans] ADMIN: Banned player "Riser" for 10 minutes (reason: for being riser).
^:truestory: ask Him SO FUNNEH
For Your Own Personal Signature:
_RemiX, post: 73720, member: 3519 Wrote:You will have to excuse George he isn't the sharpest blade in the case. Nice to meet ya pooter, keep your pootin to urself tho.

I once clicked a NSFW link while at work. :eek:

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