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social engineering/ Pick up methods/ 'seduction'
Particularly interested in this lately. More towards improving my self-confidence and interaction with people, not necessarily women. I'm pretty sure you guys are probably PUAs and have a few handful tips on how to be a smooth talker/likeable person.

Gonna share a few gems I found on reddit.

  • Girls don't get romantically involved with safe guys who are not exciting to them. (classic nice guy syndrome)
  • Confidence is not about being right but assuming you are until otherwise proven. Don't second guess yourself unless you absolutely should. Don't be a douche about it. If someone can prove you wrong then admit fault and go on about your business, it isn't the end of the world to be wrong, it can be quite refreshing. You don't always have to prove yourself either. It isn't nessesary to always prove yourself right. State what you need to and listen to the opposition. If the concept they are stating is wrong and it isn't a huge deal then let it go, or at least don't argue for a long time because it doesn't matter. Being confident doesn't mean be arrogant, because arrogance means you are not confident in yourself enough to admit fault. Don't be a douche, be confident. further explanation
  • Women don't want a guy who is always agreeing with her. She likes to be teased. Not insulted. Fake insults are teasing.
  • Women want a guy with wit, not rehearsed jokes. Although once in a while a decent canned joke is ok.
  • Being likeable does not mean the same thing as exciting or cute.
  • When you are drunk you are saying and doing things you want to say or do. Have the confidence to say and do those things when you are sober.
  • When girls say let's just be friends, they are not really asking to be your friend most of the time. This is their way of saying goodbye. I honestly enjoy having female friends but when they say it, it generally doesn't really mean they want to be friends.
  • Most females that want to be your friend genuinely are actually secretly interested in you. The other small percentage that genuinely want to be just friends are actual confident women who just enjoy the companionship.

[Image: 1cYyZ.jpg]

Personal take:

Main gist is to be confident and decisive. The part 2 of the image post got to me. Don't ask what she wants to do. Assume that she wants to do it.

Everyone and anyone can be a good conversationalist or whatever. It takes patience (for fear of rejection) and lots of practice.

Girls aren't looking for a nice guy. They're looking for someone they feel they have to fight for.
be the best version of yourself, that's all you can do.
When I have more time to comment on this I will more so in depth so for now this is a place holder.
"I am become death, the destroyer of worlds." - Bhagavad-Gita

"There is nothing more devastating than the thought of death. Of complete nothingness. To lose to what you believe your true nature being. Immortality." - James

"True depression comes from ignorance and stupidity. True happiness comes from stupidity and ignorance. Contention comes from a deeper understanding of true nature and the ways in which we try to defy it." - James (So tell me, are you depressed, happy, or content?)

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Hmm, I'm not sure I can give decent advice here. My relationships with girls (except friends of course) have all been meaningless flings, except for now. Seems I got lucky the first time, haha.

Yeah, fear of rejection is a main factor I think. Being able to talk, having conversations with different people in real life without any problem. But once it's a hot girl / girl you're interested in, shutting down.
I know for a lot of people a bit of alcohol helps. I guess that's my drive to make people alcoholics. :p

The best attitude for me has always been: not giving a fuck. Hot girl is taken, rejects you? Who cares, next one. Not to try to be more of an asshole, just not changing myself for others.

If you're really looking for a relationship, I don't know. I think most times that just happens without looking for it.

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