Apr 14 2010, 12:43 AM
Hi, My name is Josie and this is my confessions. Oh wow EVERYONE who is on bnet will be shocked because these confessions go from WAY BACK all the way till today.
1st off you may be wondering WHY? why on earth would Josie be willing to ADMIT to shit that has happened? Well just say this I had a case of Conscious. Yep my morals and the way I am IRL is just NOT like how i am on the net at all. IRL im a loving very nice caring person. I am very generous and gving and I am not a trouble maker. I don't steal, lie, cheat or anything like that to anyone even my enemies. So I have decided to turn over a new leaf and become the saint Josie on bnet and show everyone who i really am I will act, talk, and treat everyone exactly how i would irl from now on.
So here we go!
Wow where to start ok Back in the gaming days when I use to be a damn good low money player because how I learned the game was i passed it without hacks. Then later on they started having HIGH money maps which made my low money skills worse. Then I started to OWN pretty much anyone that challenged me. Because I was using Oblivion hack which just came out. Then I pretty much only used it for map hack for a long long time. Then when they started better patches on bnet I had to learn how to just play good with out it all over again. So confession number one would be yes i did hack mainly map hack when i was playing but towards the end my morals hit me and i started playing REAL no hack and my skills went from damn good to bad because of the hacks so i slowly had to learn how to be good again with out hacks.
Ok next would be chat rooms and clans here is where it gets interesting. I admit I chatted with the reps a lot. I did not cyber them or show pics. All i did was flirt just a bit. My original name was ScChicka and StarGirl and BnetChicK808. I decided what the heck i want my name on the net so i tried making Josie@useast and west but it was taken. So I asked a rep and he gave me both accounts I cant tell you who. Also I use to be in clans a lot of clans. One of my friendsI game with said make clan sexy so I did. Anyway this was after I was in clan Ls, and clan Hs well they both got me annoyed because they would both flood me a lot. So I admit I ran to my friends the reps. I got both clans locked more than once. I also admit i got the reps on clan pk. And I admit to having reps idle in certain channels just to watch people. So my second confession is yes im a bitch that cried to reps.
Wow here come the parts that gets worse. There was a few channels i have fucked over. Yes because i was in the shadow of a dark crowd that sorta corrupted my E-life and made me into a bad person. Clan Void I admit to bsing you and banning your channel but thats all i did i did not take your chief that was given to me by hide. Clan xgc i admit to banning and taking your channel but the chief was given to me by hide. Clan War east i admit to idling in your clan on the chief but there was no one to ban and chief was given to me by johnny. Clan war europe i admit to asking rick to remake clan and begging kevin to help. Clan ac east i admit to banning channel after i was given ops by rick who knew what i was gonna do. Clan ac west I admit to giving the chieftain to davin and begging them not to say it was me so we came up with the story charlie did it. Anyway i did this because i was sick of how ac was power trippin everyone and i knew it wasnt even cele but only rick posing as cele. Clan achq west i admit to giving it to a random expecting channel to get bsed but vaporizer didnt. Clan code east i admit to banning channel and wanting to kill your clan but i changed my mind and only banned channel. Clan 187 europe i admit i banned your channel and was a bitch but i am sorry and its all over now. All of this shit that i have done in the past i am sorry about and i hope i am forgiven. But i know there will be some people that dont forgive. Anyway i totally understand if people dont wanna talk to me anymore but now that i got this off my E Conscious i fell much better. I totally understand if there is mad people and all i can do is say sorry i was not myself and i was being influenced by a corrupted crowd so I think the right thing to do was RETURN all clans which i did. Yes Ac mayhave been banned but Davin meant no harm only to ban. That is why he left pw the same because not because hes stupid and didnt change it but because hes smart and mature enough not to change it he just wanted to create some e fun and so i did i. After all my dark side came from being around a dark crowd so they had it coming.
As for everyone RELAX there is nothing to worry about I WILL NEVER BE THAT WAY AGAIN. All the clans i am in and oped in i totally understand if you feel you cant trust me but just please beleive me im diffrent now. I changed for the better. You have nothing to worry about. Anyway I am truly sorry to everyone for any harm i have done to them. I am truly sorry for all the lies i may have said. And i am strongly sorry for All the issues i have caused and this goes for my enemies as well I am sorry and i hope you find it in your E hearts to E forgive me because I just opend my E heart and showed you all what type of E person i am.
Well from now on i'll be an upbeat person happy and cheerful and there will be no more drama maybe happy drama but no more negative drama. I love you all and wish you all the best.
Once again I am truly sorry for everything I have no where to go from here but up so Flame on me bash me hate me but all you will see from here on out is love in return.
Hi, My name is Josie and heres a kiss and a hug with love XoXo
p.s. Does anyone else have confessions? im sure lots of people do but not many will open up the way i have. Thats my downfall no matter what I cant keep a lie, I cant go on with bad thoughts. In the end my morals ALWAYS wins because deep down inside im a very good person and now its time to show you all and be more open about my good side I may have forgot to admit more things but as they come to my memory i'll add it on here but for now this is all i can remember
take care <3
1st off you may be wondering WHY? why on earth would Josie be willing to ADMIT to shit that has happened? Well just say this I had a case of Conscious. Yep my morals and the way I am IRL is just NOT like how i am on the net at all. IRL im a loving very nice caring person. I am very generous and gving and I am not a trouble maker. I don't steal, lie, cheat or anything like that to anyone even my enemies. So I have decided to turn over a new leaf and become the saint Josie on bnet and show everyone who i really am I will act, talk, and treat everyone exactly how i would irl from now on.
So here we go!
Wow where to start ok Back in the gaming days when I use to be a damn good low money player because how I learned the game was i passed it without hacks. Then later on they started having HIGH money maps which made my low money skills worse. Then I started to OWN pretty much anyone that challenged me. Because I was using Oblivion hack which just came out. Then I pretty much only used it for map hack for a long long time. Then when they started better patches on bnet I had to learn how to just play good with out it all over again. So confession number one would be yes i did hack mainly map hack when i was playing but towards the end my morals hit me and i started playing REAL no hack and my skills went from damn good to bad because of the hacks so i slowly had to learn how to be good again with out hacks.
Ok next would be chat rooms and clans here is where it gets interesting. I admit I chatted with the reps a lot. I did not cyber them or show pics. All i did was flirt just a bit. My original name was ScChicka and StarGirl and BnetChicK808. I decided what the heck i want my name on the net so i tried making Josie@useast and west but it was taken. So I asked a rep and he gave me both accounts I cant tell you who. Also I use to be in clans a lot of clans. One of my friendsI game with said make clan sexy so I did. Anyway this was after I was in clan Ls, and clan Hs well they both got me annoyed because they would both flood me a lot. So I admit I ran to my friends the reps. I got both clans locked more than once. I also admit i got the reps on clan pk. And I admit to having reps idle in certain channels just to watch people. So my second confession is yes im a bitch that cried to reps.
Wow here come the parts that gets worse. There was a few channels i have fucked over. Yes because i was in the shadow of a dark crowd that sorta corrupted my E-life and made me into a bad person. Clan Void I admit to bsing you and banning your channel but thats all i did i did not take your chief that was given to me by hide. Clan xgc i admit to banning and taking your channel but the chief was given to me by hide. Clan War east i admit to idling in your clan on the chief but there was no one to ban and chief was given to me by johnny. Clan war europe i admit to asking rick to remake clan and begging kevin to help. Clan ac east i admit to banning channel after i was given ops by rick who knew what i was gonna do. Clan ac west I admit to giving the chieftain to davin and begging them not to say it was me so we came up with the story charlie did it. Anyway i did this because i was sick of how ac was power trippin everyone and i knew it wasnt even cele but only rick posing as cele. Clan achq west i admit to giving it to a random expecting channel to get bsed but vaporizer didnt. Clan code east i admit to banning channel and wanting to kill your clan but i changed my mind and only banned channel. Clan 187 europe i admit i banned your channel and was a bitch but i am sorry and its all over now. All of this shit that i have done in the past i am sorry about and i hope i am forgiven. But i know there will be some people that dont forgive. Anyway i totally understand if people dont wanna talk to me anymore but now that i got this off my E Conscious i fell much better. I totally understand if there is mad people and all i can do is say sorry i was not myself and i was being influenced by a corrupted crowd so I think the right thing to do was RETURN all clans which i did. Yes Ac mayhave been banned but Davin meant no harm only to ban. That is why he left pw the same because not because hes stupid and didnt change it but because hes smart and mature enough not to change it he just wanted to create some e fun and so i did i. After all my dark side came from being around a dark crowd so they had it coming.
As for everyone RELAX there is nothing to worry about I WILL NEVER BE THAT WAY AGAIN. All the clans i am in and oped in i totally understand if you feel you cant trust me but just please beleive me im diffrent now. I changed for the better. You have nothing to worry about. Anyway I am truly sorry to everyone for any harm i have done to them. I am truly sorry for all the lies i may have said. And i am strongly sorry for All the issues i have caused and this goes for my enemies as well I am sorry and i hope you find it in your E hearts to E forgive me because I just opend my E heart and showed you all what type of E person i am.
Well from now on i'll be an upbeat person happy and cheerful and there will be no more drama maybe happy drama but no more negative drama. I love you all and wish you all the best.
Once again I am truly sorry for everything I have no where to go from here but up so Flame on me bash me hate me but all you will see from here on out is love in return.
Hi, My name is Josie and heres a kiss and a hug with love XoXo
p.s. Does anyone else have confessions? im sure lots of people do but not many will open up the way i have. Thats my downfall no matter what I cant keep a lie, I cant go on with bad thoughts. In the end my morals ALWAYS wins because deep down inside im a very good person and now its time to show you all and be more open about my good side I may have forgot to admit more things but as they come to my memory i'll add it on here but for now this is all i can remember

With Love From The Island Of Oahu Hawaii,
Hi, My name is Josie~!~!~!
Hi, My name is Josie~!~!~!