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Obama warns Syria's Assad.
US President Barack Obama has warned Syrian President Bashar al-Assad he will face "consequences" if he uses chemical weapons against his people.
"The world is watching. The use of chemical weapons is and would be totally unacceptable," said Mr Obama.
A Syrian official has insisted it would "never, under any circumstances" use such weapons, "if such weapons exist".
Meanwhile, the United Nations says it is pulling "all non-essential international staff" out of Syria.
As many as 25 out of 100 international staff could leave this week, the UN news agency Irin reported, while all humanitarian missions outside Damascus will be halted for the time being.

Full article: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-20583966

I don't think Assad will be dumb enough to use chemical warfare, although he did say he wanted to go down with the "ship" if the rebels ever won.

Military budget has been cut pretty hard and Obama will be cutting it more, unless a war brews up which will make it impossible to cut again. Tough tough times ahead for Obama.
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Former Stargate Worlds International Moderator
I personally think he is Dumb enough to. During the 1st Gulf War as per General Schwarzkopf's "left hook" Armored Offensive across the desert. Special Forces units were sent behind enemy lines to disable Communication hubs, as well as the major chemical weapons facilities throughout Iraq. Saddam had the idea to use deadly Sarin Gas warheads against the Invading UN coalition, I pretty sure Assad doesn't fall too far from being that nuts either. Its like a form of mustard gas, only 10 times more deadly.
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
European markets in ruins or about to be, wars in the Middle-East... Lovely time indeed!

If he decides to go ahead and use that, not even Russia will be able to prevent a full scale war. US will doubtfully be alone in this one.
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Former Stargate Worlds International Moderator
Russia may even enter the war with Assad in that case. I doubt he would do that.
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True, they have been strong supporters of the Assad regime, and they are still the only open market dealers of weaponry to Syria's military.
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Former Stargate Worlds International Moderator
well..dec 21st is approaching.

anyway, it looks like all these arab countries are pawns to a whole bigger world chess game with US and the Russians as the main players.
be the best version of yourself, that's all you can do.
It all depends, the use of chemical weapons against Syrians isn't as "severe" as the use of those against for example Turkey (NATO member). The US will do everything to avoid a war. A big cost for not a whole lot of plusses.

And Russia will never join Syria in a direct war with the US. I don't think Putin & Medvedev are masochists.
Easy way to end this Bull.. The earth is already f*cked up, just kill his people and make USA use its nuclear weapons, simple as that.
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Syria crisis: Nato approves Patriots for Turkey

Nato Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said Nato was determined to protect Turkey
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Nato has approved the deployment of Patriot anti-missile batteries along Turkey's border with Syria.
The long-expected move emerged from a meeting of Nato foreign ministers in Brussels, and amid growing fears that Syria could use chemical weapons.
Nato's Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said the ministers had "unanimously expressed grave concerns" about the use of chemical weapons.
Syria has said it would never use such weapons against its own people.
The meeting of the 28-member Western military alliance's foreign ministers in Brussels follows a request from Turkey to boost its defences along the border.
In a statement, Nato said it had "agreed to augment Turkey's air defence capabilities in order to defend the population and territory of Turkey and to contribute to the de-escalation of the crisis along the alliance's border".

Full article: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-20590129

So rumors have it Tom Brady himself will make sure they won't hit... he will bring Hightower and Wilfork to ensure a proper defense Turkey can count on! xD

Joking aside, seems like they are taking this serious... Your move Syria!
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Former Stargate Worlds International Moderator
I'm just saying, Russia has just as many nukes and missiles as US.
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