Poll: What Spawn System do you prefer ? Show Results
Current Spawn System
3 17.65%
Spawning in the general vicinity of your teammates
9 52.94%
Completely Randomized Spawning
5 29.41%
Total 17 vote(s) 100%
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Spawns in D2DM
Lieutenant Josh, post: 82006, member: 946 Wrote:One you and DK do not play on the server period, okay u don't get a say. Two, um gee i dunno, what happened to all the complaints about the old regular spawn in the usual sites thing. No matter what you do with the spawns someones gonna cry about it, people complained when the spawns were regular, people complain about these, also changing it now will ruin the server's population, as we consistently are getting about 20 ppl these days. Last time Matt made a major change to the server the whole population of players virtually disappeared(i.e adding the awp). Also maybe if you forced everyone who played on that particular server to join the forum, you'd get a better idea of what the players want, versus proposing arbitrary changes on a server neither of you play on. As i said before Riser is the exception, hes generally on, is skilled(although his Kd doesn't support that) and contributes to the DM, neither cedeeoo or DK here do, so both of your opinions carry no weight no matter how much you express them. Oh and DK try and think of something better to insult me with, one i'd probably kick your ass in the dm, two keep trying there boy-o.
I hate Ced for telling about this thread.

I'm just going to go ahead and quote this statement, as it seems to be the most relevant of all of your replies.

In regards to your first statement.
Quote:One you and DK do not play on the server period, okay u don't get a say.
Completely untrue. Ced is an admin, he gets a say. He helps manage the servers and as admins it is our responsibility to update and make sure that the gameplay is fair and balanced for everyone. Just because you play on it a lot does not mean you can arbitrarily decide who can have a say and who can't.

Quote:Two, um gee i dunno, what happened to all the complaints about the old regular spawn in the usual sites thing. No matter what you do with the spawns someones gonna cry about it, people complained when the spawns were regular, people complain about these, also changing it now will ruin the server's population, as we consistently are getting about 20 ppl these days. Last time Matt made a major change to the server the whole population of players virtually disappeared(i.e adding the awp).
Someone is going to cry about it, can't make everyone happy, but I don't think it's going to change the server population.

Quote:Also maybe if you forced everyone who played on that particular server to join the forum, you'd get a better idea of what the players want, versus proposing arbitrary changes on a server neither of you play on.
I find that a lot, if not a majority of the players that play on the server play there because they want a deathmatch type gameplay, not a spawn killing, or camping gameplay. They just want to kill things.

Anyways, to address everything.

I voted two.

The reason as to why I don't frequent the D2DM server is because I consider that server to be a training server. If I need to warm-up, adjust to recoil, or try out new things, that's why I join the Deathmatch server. It's not a place where I want to encounter spawn-killing idiots, or people camping in pit. I just need a fast pace environment where I can acquire targets and train recoil and shooting patterns.

With that being said, the current system in D2DM is broken, for reasons previously stated above. Like I said before, Team Deathmatch is for frequent killing of enemies, not for camping/spawn killing. You work with a team to eliminate enemy players.

Quote:Doesn't matter, they'll get used to it. I've seen some bad players that hold a 2-3 KD just by camping in pit and the pavement beside it.. eventhough they miss 1 out of 5 of their shots. Deathmatch is about improving your gameplay and skill not doing the same fucking thing over and over again every round just to outfrag people.
That's pretty much it though. If I want to camp it's too easy to get insanely high KBig Grin's, but it's not the purpose of the majority of people, and that's why a lot of good players won't frequent the DM server.

Edit: Oh, and for what it's worth. Don't try and settle your arguments over VoIP chat in game. No one wants to hear that, and we have a full server. It's annoying, continue to do it, and that will be the quickest way to get Perma-Muted there as well.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
lol kid? comeon now you're the one constantly complaining about hacks, and you probably think i hack because i seem to know where you are all the time right? you camp same spots every single time. as to why people say i hack? i don tknow probably because 90% of the people that play in that server blow including you lol you can spec me and see i dont hack
joker8baller, post: 82142, member: 835 Wrote:Completely untrue. Ced is an admin, he gets a say. He helps manage the servers and as admins it is our responsibility to update and make sure that the gameplay is fair and balanced for everyone. Just because you play on it a lot does not mean you can arbitrarily decide who can have a say and who can't.
Hmm, didn't think he was an all-server admin, which places him higher than riser.
joker8baller, post: 82142, member: 835 Wrote:Someone is going to cry about it, can't make everyone happy, but I don't think it's going to change the server population.
Err okay, so the last time major changes were made we didn't lose some/close to all the population? We lost a lot of ppl after Matt put the awp in, some have come back, but most of the everyday players are new. Dday, Jtk, indo, are virtually the only 3 i remember from before the Awps were added. My friend Mr Keys rarely shows(he used to be the number 1). I can also state with a high degree of certainty, that for some months after the awp was added, the server only got at max 15 people per day. We finally are getting alot more than that on a regular basis.
joker8baller, post: 82142, member: 835 Wrote:With that being said, the current system in D2DM is broken, for reasons previously stated above. Like I said before, Team Deathmatch is for frequent killing of enemies, not for camping/spawn killing. You work with a team to eliminate enemy players.
I blame Matt, he was fiddling with the spawns and had random spawns at one point, but it got alot of "the enemy spawns right behind me after i spawn" complaint. Also, so its great fun to actually try to run around with a p90, but then i get awped by 4 campers, when it was only scouts, campers weren't a problem, except if its riser who can pull a headshot everytime.
Except the problem there was we got a lot of complaints about how every other dm had awps, and we didn't, and now we get the reverse, which is , everyone says theres too many awps, which i think is right. I've played on days where like 18 of 20 players are awping, and i try to run around with a tmp and get awped mostly.
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
Riser is an all server admin about it too.

I don't think that changing the spawns to favor a more Deathmatch type gameplay is going to kill the server.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
Lieutenant Josh, post: 82140, member: 946 Wrote:You took 2 votes, good for you, um and exactly how is 41% = 50%?? Until you have 50% + its not convincing, second, i'm all for spawning within the vicinity of my teammates. I hate random spawns because then you spawn, and an enemy can spawn in the same spot almost immeadiately right behind you, which is what happened last fucking time we had random spawns.

Also including bogus bullshit options in the votes doesn't look good bro, (i.e the "i like to spam 1" option.) Make it a fair 2 option vote for the question, yes or no, and then come show me how the server feels.

Oh look its Drax, the mr.Igetmadafterdyingtoyangtwice, should i record every instance of your worthless crying kid? You seem to do it everytime im on the server,you're the better player here, but you don't see my crying everytime you kill me, heck im muted, i couldn't if i wanted to.

Oh and yeah Killmore, you wanna answer the question as to why everytime you play someone accuses you of hacking?
People do spam 1, it isn't 'bogus bullshit options'. It's "you're". The reason people accuse other people of hacking, is because they're unskilled or new. The right thing to do is to use admin chat and report it, but they are new.

You mentioned you got tired of other guns, you're going to get tired of awping as well, why not run around with it instead of prescoping in one same spot every spawn? You can't, you care too much about your KD.

Anyway, I'll help with the in-game votes once I get more free time.

Double post

Lieutenant Josh, post: 82151, member: 946 Wrote:Err okay, so the last time major changes were made we didn't lose some/close to all the population? We lost a lot of ppl after Matt put the awp in, some have come back, but most of the everyday players are new. Dday, Jtk, indo, are virtually the only 3 i remember from before the Awps were added. My friend Mr Keys rarely shows(he used to be the number 1). I can also state with a high degree of certainty, that for some months after the awp was added, the server only got at max 15 people per day. We finally are getting alot more than that on a regular basis.
No, without the AWPs we were losing players. With, more people started playing. The server used to be empty, or at 5 players before AWPs.
Yeah I did a few other votes today and the majority were spamming 1... It happens a LOT.


? So comparing 2 days to 30 days is a fair comparison? Reminds me i have a stats test tomorrow, but you wanna tell me exactly how the server was setup in march 2012? Cause i'm not so sure that there were any changes at that point. Im pretty sure after one of the patches we lost alot of ppl, but i also do remember that we had the same type of graph as the first one for a couple months after the awps and spawns were changed, and that its only been since i'd say since the end of October that we've been getting a consistent amount of players more than 15 in total.
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6
Use the link I gave you, I didn't fill in the dates correctly. There were no Steam CSS updates in October.

Double post

No Riser, i mean before March 1st of your first graph. I did the graphs myself, there hasn't been much of an uptake in server population since late October. Everything before October was all max at like 15 ppl on the server. Well, if u nerfs are so adamant about changing the server, go bug Matt, thats his job.
"Ignorance is Bliss"- Sima Yi from DW6

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