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Sup wL! New to the forums but been on the servers for a bit. My cuz introduced me to the servers and been hanging mostly in 24/7 D2 and sometimes Pop2. Thought I'd take a flyby in here to see what's up. And you ever in d2, I play by the s/n kawah.
Welcome to and Enjoy your stay Smile
Welcome to the forums basiq Smile you should try out the minigame server! great fun.
[Image: JAFxq.png]
[Image: like-a-boss-tina-png.1491]
[Image: Chuck-Norris-snipes-kittens.gif?]
Taking kitties out one at a time.
Hey basiq,hope you enjoy your stay!Welcome to the forums too.
[Image: 25aln6e.png]
[Image: 573128_101.png][Image: C9IwSBFwckuse9sDBhiOzQ2.gif]

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