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Resolved  Racist guy on csgo pug
[Image: QehY9w5.jpg]
[Image: YRanQqi.jpg]
Can't stand this kind of people
Just so that it is easy to follow up, the link to the PUG - http://servers.war-lords.net/pugs/24805
chat log from pug 3

I don't think he deserves a ban, rather a warning or a time based mute/gag. I've seen way worse racism towards Indians on our servers. I'll start casually joining the server to monitor it.
Yea i think like Riser 2 thats's my opinion. LOL
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ5nFnRGWdHTeWcgQ2otJm...IrqhHAlj34]
From what I see on the chat log, Riot initiated the argument, and then made some disparaging comments that are definitely discriminatory:

Riot: hes a loser
Riot: malay mindset eh
Riot: typical malay mindset, cant handle the pressure
Riot: typical malay always feel oppressed
Riot: yea malays are lazy

As a psychology graduate, I would like to highlight that in this context, discrimination is defined by Merriam-Webster as, "the act, practice, or an instance of discriminating categorically rather than individually." Riot may be prejudiced against a certain people group, but he generalised and verbalised his displeasure of a single individual by slandering an entire racial group. I believe that most people will agree that this is not socially acceptable behaviour. Race is a sensitive topic. Even if we do not contend on the point that he discriminates against malays, he is definitely a toxic and hostile player that we can definitely do with less off on our server. Riot's nonchalant behaviour when quizzed by the admin (me) shows that he thinks he did nothing offensive, and we do not want to encourage such behaviour.

Since Riser has indicated to issue a warning, I'm giving Riot a short 2 day ban for hostile and toxic chat. The next time I see any chat that borders on discrimination/racism, I will take more severe action. Our servers are a place for people to have a good time and enjoy themselves, and we do not condone such hostile behaviour.
[Image: n7K9Ltx.jpg]

Hmm.. Still haven't learned hes lesson i think he deserve longer ban..
He doesn't have to say that..
Don't see much here other than him calling you a Malay. I am not warranting a ban just for that.
[Image: 76561198017067818.png]
@Smiley: Please include a link to the PUG when you are reporting.


Chatlog: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=95RH6Jc7
(Apr 06 2015, 01:14 PM)Smiley Wrote: [Image: n7K9Ltx.jpg]

Hmm.. Still haven't learned hes lesson i think he deserve longer ban..
He doesn't have to say that..

Hmm.. Seems like someone is pretty conflicted about himself when he cannot even accept his ethnicity or is it race, I'm not clear about the distinction. 

I am supposed to reply to something but I cannot fathom what is the question at hand though? Being expressive in words about someone race/ethinicty/gender etc, does it constitute a certain form of discrimination towards the person?  

"Hey, look at that malay smiling and joking while he clutches!" - Expression and appreciation of a certain race skills. Blacks are genetically more suited to running and Latinos are also scientically proven to be more aggressive due to certain cells iirc. Is that racism? Does it deserve a jail term or is that freedom of speech that many advocates for?

There is no 100% meritocracy anywhere, how many NUS medicine graduates are from the "less-famous" Jcs? But you can carry on living in your oppressed fantasy of you against the world.

Grow up kiddo.
 I could stereotype and say you're confirm from ite due to such utter lack of confidence but I'm just kidding  Tongue
Tell me, what do you have against me? Why can't you just reply without having to put my race in he chat? I didn't see you typing to anyone else in the chat with their race in it? Why must you say the word "Malay" in it?

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