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making a simple addition to player's pug stats profiles
Typing .stats/.stats playername ingame or navigating to pug profiles using this website is what this post is in regard to.

A simple drop down next to the "played pugs" section towards the bottom of the page should be added which allows changing the webpage to display 5, 20, 50 most recently played pugs.

Currently, only 5 recent pugs are shown and for quite a while I've felt this to be either a bit clumsily built or, when it was built it was simply unforeseen the quantity of pugs people would be playing so navigating a person's pug history 5 at a time covered all bases.

Look at the regulars on the server, some of their pug match counts (it says the total on the stats page) are astoundingly large numbers. 

The hardcore regulars, playing numerous pugs each night essentially every day of the week, and there's a lot of you, might most closely understand the appeal behind this implementation.

Being only able to browse a catalogue of hundreds and hundreds of instances at the rate of 5 at a time is inarguably cumbersome, and can leave end users feeling limited.

What's the likelihood of this being added? Bison, you work for us, and we should be treated as such by this demand being immediately met.
As your leader i will not force you to give up relationships and play cs instead, that's on you. if i gotta push you to play the game u want to make a living out of, then this shit aint for you.
Work for who now? whoa there, this is a free community as it has always been. Everyone that contributes here do it voluntarily, even Bison.

I knew that people played a lot of pugs when I coded the site, hence why you don't have to refresh when looking through pugs.

I was working on a new pugs site which was for the most part done.. but I got derailed because of other stuff, so maybe it'll happen once it's released. Probably by the end of the year, and I'll make it possible to view more pugs at a time.
I was just being silly when I wrote that part Wink

Your project sounds cool and something to look forward to.
As your leader i will not force you to give up relationships and play cs instead, that's on you. if i gotta push you to play the game u want to make a living out of, then this shit aint for you.
(Nov 06 2016, 03:00 PM)Riser Wrote: I was working on a new pugs site which was for the most part done..

You work forever Smile
[Image: Photo%20collage-climate%20scenarios-glob...k=rcowMNf5]

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