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Resolved  Deadie and Drago, 2 abusing admins.
Deadie and Drago passed next to the !ignore system on season (, by switching names, or by talking through the admin voice or by talking (once) through som1 else mic's that was open (dont remember which), or by getting anything i was saying copy pasted to them through steam.

I reported them privatly to bison, since i didnt want warlords admin (in general) to look bad, in front of those 2 "admins" (with history of abusing their admins,,,, or just look their general bans feed), he said he warned em.

Then we played scorch, being unhappy about being on the same side as Deadie, someone i called out for abusing admin on flame threads (an other time, the day prior) and got ignored for 2 months now, so i played mostly with p228 which triggered him somehow, cause way after the pug was over he banned me for "Intentionally throwing match, Inappropriate language, Blocking teammate", for 3 days (

1 . "Intentionally throwing match" : we won easily 16-11, i was literally top adr, accuracy, plants, assists during the said pug, so this accusation was made without anything backing it and is simply bullcrap (

2. "Blocking teammate" : , bison reviewed the demo and only found this that was maybe reprehensible out of it, so reduced the ban time to 3 hours, even do it showed 30 mins on my profile, but whatever. Make your own mind, you can clearly see him blocked me twice at first, and i havent even touched him afterwards when he tried to jump, so in terms of blocking i did nothing as it is clearly shown.

+ There was no strategic reason to block me or do whatever he tried to do, so why isnt he banned for blocking, when i am banned even if i didnt even "block" him ?

3. "Inappropriate language" : this rule has to be clarified, cause the only thing i said i can remember was : Deadie is stupid, or something of the sort, no racism, no profanity, nothing really soul killing. But whats worse is that in order to be able to make a ban for Inappropriate language he needs to fucking hear what im saying, so by banning me he proof without a doubt he passed next the !ignore system, or he banned som1 on some random person words (cause ive got Drago ignored too), without any evidence.

I even asked bison if this would be deleted before posting it, but those 2 "being warned" is far from enough, Drago has been admin for only 3 months, he already got 2 admin abuse thread on him (+this 1, so 3), he already got warned for the other stuff he did, he got warned today by bison so he probably ask Deadie to do this stupid abusive ban, to get me banned for reporting them for being abusive admins to bison.

I'm pretty sure they abused over a dozen of euro players in the last months, can someone please review their ban feed, because lots of the ban reasons aren't clarified or in the rules (, Most of the euro players dont speak english or barely, and aren't even on the forum (or like bison would say, dont even know the forums exists), so most potential admin abuse would not be reported. Anyway im getting off track.

HF reviewing this ex-co-admins, see you guys at the tournament ! and sorry for my broken english.
[-] The following 2 users Like Ben-'s post:
   Kobe, sift
I think only bison/riser can review this and make a decision.
[Image: 62002802.jpg]
[-] The following 3 users Like _nme's post:
   CaliSnipe, Drago, QueenCrazy
I've never seen so many people banned by an admin. Drago must be the real deal. Wow.

Banning a player for server disruption/cheating is one thing, but to have the balls to ban another admin, one of the most active players on the server "Ben" that everyone knows........shows no respect for rules or warlords in general. Just remove his admin problem solved.

I think this is going to start a new rule. No admins are allowed to ban other admin on warlords. Only 250 has the authority to ban admins.

and deadie..tskk tskk. You should feel ashamed of yourself mr "noclip"
[-] The following 5 users Like 250's post:
   Ben-, Jesse W., Kobe, sift, taraN
(Mar 14 2017, 03:14 AM)Ben- Wrote: Deadie and Drago passed next to the !ignore system on season (, by switching names, or by talking through the admin voice or by talking (once) through som1 else mic's that was open (dont remember which), or by getting anything i was saying copy pasted to them through steam.

I reported them privatly to bison, since i didnt want warlords admin (in general) to look bad, in front of those 2 "admins" (with history of abusing their admins,,,, or just look their general bans feed), he said he warned em.

Then we played scorch, being unhappy about being on the same side as Deadie, someone i called out for abusing admin on flame threads (an other time, the day prior) and got ignored for 2 months now, so i played mostly with p228 which triggered him somehow, cause way after the pug was over he banned me for "Intentionally throwing match, Inappropriate language, Blocking teammate", for 3 days (

1 . "Intentionally throwing match" : we won easily 16-11, i was literally top adr, accuracy, plants, assists during the said pug, so this accusation was made without anything backing it and is simply bullcrap (

2. "Blocking teammate" : , bison reviewed the demo and only found this that was maybe reprehensible out of it, so reduced the ban time to 3 hours, even do it showed 30 mins on my profile, but whatever. Make your own mind, you can clearly see him blocked me twice at first, and i havent even touched him afterwards when he tried to jump, so in terms of blocking i did nothing as it is clearly shown.

+ There was no strategic reason to block me or do whatever he tried to do, so why isnt he banned for blocking, when i am banned even if i didnt even "block" him ?

3. "Inappropriate language" : this rule has to be clarified, cause the only thing i said i can remember was : Deadie is stupid, or something of the sort, no racism, no profanity, nothing really soul killing. But whats worse is that in order to be able to make a ban for Inappropriate language he needs to fucking hear what im saying, so by banning me he proof without a doubt he passed next the !ignore system, or he banned som1 on some random person words (cause ive got Drago ignored too), without any evidence.

I even asked bison if this would be deleted before posting it, but those 2 "being warned" is far from enough, Drago has been admin for only 3 months, he already got 2 admin abuse thread on him (+this 1, so 3), he already got warned for the other stuff he did, he got warned today by bison so he probably ask Deadie to do this stupid abusive ban, to get me banned for reporting them for being abusive admins to bison.

I'm pretty sure they abused over a dozen of euro players in the last months, can someone please review their ban feed, because lots of the ban reasons aren't clarified or in the rules (, Most of the euro players dont speak english or barely, and aren't even on the forum (or like bison would say, dont even know the forums exists), so most potential admin abuse would not be reported. Anyway im getting off track.

HF reviewing this ex-co-admins, see you guys at the tournament ! and sorry for my broken english.

My first thought would be, change your name to realrecklezz to get this under review for a speedier follow up.
[-] The following 1 user Likes CaliSnipe's post:
I have said this before and ill say this again,drago is overusing his admin powers and he's been doing since the first day he became an admin.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Kobe's post:
Alright I'm on my phone so I'm not going to fully worry about grammar and stuff and just state my opinion. These three are my friends and for the most part I have not seen drago and deadie admin abuse and all the bans I have seen them do were with a very good reason but I haven't seen all the bans. For the fact Ben got banned it seems it might of been more out of just disliking each other and shouldn't have happened and probably should of just forgot each other exist instead but that's just what I think. We will see what a senior/root admin will have to say on this and even though I haven't seen everything that has happened and the things they do, I hope they don't have to get into to much trouble or anything for the most part since for the most part it looks like they do their job but then again that is just my opinion and I haven't seen everything and last thing I have to say is you three need to stop fighting and arguing and start ignoring each other and just don't respond if the other person says something so all of this doesn't have to happen again maybe. I probably just started rambling and didn't get my point across to much, I don't know but that's what I had to say about all of this :p hope everybody has a good day.
Hi Big Grin
Making false claims again, mainly to make me look bad, so here it is.

I did not pass the ignore system, i even confirmed in with Bison since he checked the chat history, the only thing i said to you by using the all chat was "nice teamflash", which was more of a warning than using it to communicate.

Inappropriate language- Nice try making false claims again, saying i got triggered. On season i killed you continuously on the first couple rounds, and later on in the game. Which causes you to "unleash your kraken" i guess, if someone was to watch the demo, you did not only say deadie is stupid, but you involved shit like cancer, which is over the top.
And i guess you chose the least offensive to show in this thread.
In that game too, i didn't communicate in no way, when i was watching the demo back i saw people in the chat talking about all this drama, which they are right about, but they would understand why i got into this if only they read the thread, to see how you really are too.

"he needs to fucking hear what im saying, so by banning me he proof without a doubt he passed next the !ignore system, or he banned som1 on some random person words (cause ive got Drago ignored too), without any evidence."
"deadie is stupid" lol
You can watch the demo, and you're saying you have drago ignored too , so dont act like you ignored me lmfao, i was the one who made the smart decision to remove and ignore you, so nice try making false claims in pugs claiming that you ignored me first, as if i was the one who's in the wrong.

Blocking- Maybe show the full round?
Just because your crosshair isn't on me doesn't mean you were not following me.

Intentionally throwing match- You claimed yourself that you were giving the win to the other team, multiple times , threw nades towards me, including a flash, it's a shame FF was off.

And about the bans on Europe pugs, i can discuss that with Bison/Riser if they have any problems, which i doubt because they know how EU pugs are.

That is all, see you guys at the tournament!

Looks like i missed out another false statement,
" so he probably ask Deadie to do this stupid abusive ban, to get me banned for reporting them for being abusive admins to bison."
No he did not, i take my own decisions,

And that is all, see you guys at the tournament, have fun all!
[Image: 2lu7534.jpg]
(Mar 14 2017, 07:59 AM)Deadplanet Wrote: Making false claims again, mainly to make me look bad, so here it is.

I did not pass the ignore system, i even confirmed in with Bison since he checked the chat history, the only thing i said to you by using the all chat was "nice teamflash", which was more of a warning than using it to communicate.

Inappropriate language- Nice try making false claims again, saying i got triggered. On season i killed you continuously on the first couple rounds, and later on in the game. Which causes you to "unleash your kraken" i guess, if someone was to watch the demo, you did not only say deadie is stupid, but you involved shit like cancer, which is over the top.
And i guess you chose the least offensive to show in this thread.
In that game too, i didn't communicate in no way, when i was watching the demo back i saw people in the chat talking about all this drama, which they are right about, but they would understand why i got into this if only they read the tread, do see how you really are too.

"he needs to fucking hear what im saying, so by banning me he proof without a doubt he passed next the !ignore system, or he banned som1 on some random person words (cause ive got Drago ignored too), without any evidence."
"deadie is stupid" lol
You can watch the demo, and you're saying you have drago ignored too , so dont act like you ignored me lmfao, i was the one who made the smart decision to remove and ignore you, so nice try making false claims in pugs claiming that you ignored me first, as if i was the one who's in the wrong.

Blocking- Maybe show the full round?
Just because your crosshair isn't on me doesn't mean you were not following me.

Intentionally throwing match- You claimed yourself that you were giving the win to the other team, multiple times , threw nades towards me, including a flash, it's a shame FF was off.

And about the bans on Europe pugs, i can discuss that with Bison/Riser if they have any problems, which i doubt because they know how EU pugs are.

That is all, see you guys at the tournament!

So its only Drago who bypassed the !ignore system ? Thank you for cooperating, i aint admin anymore so i can't see admin chat.

And for the flash thing, since you clearly admin abused on the rest, you would of added it if you thought it was intentional.

You aren't proving anything in your response for the Innapropriate language part, you are making shit up, and please read the threads yourself you started shit up (and flame threads are irrelevant to your admin duties anyway, ask bison).

Blocking - bison reviewed it at 100% he was talking about that specific moment, thx for making lies in front of every1.

I can't believe you keep up with the Intentionally throwing match thing, how the fuck can i be throwing if i ended top adr/plant/assist .....

Im not going to respond to any of your other posts and wait for a Senior/Root to review.
Pass the popcorn please, LOTS OF BUTTER THOUGH! - hold the salt, there seems to be enough here.

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