Mar 14 2017, 11:47 PM
I've used injectors for cs go, which hugely improves a video by keeping the deathnotices enabled for only a specific player, add outline to deathnotice etc,
although if you do use it without entering some launch settings, you can get banned since it works just like a hack.
Can someone with experience confirm that this is safe please,
all i know right now is that it's a .vpk file which just changes the gui.
will i need to open source up with -insecure, sv_lan 1
All i pretty much wanna do is remove the radar when im recording,
cl_Drawhud 1 removes everything yes, but i will have no crosshair and deathnotice.
All i want to show is the crosshair and deathnotice.
I'm familiar with the commands on hiding other hud/gui such as the chat, hidepanel all etc.
![[Image: 2lu7534.jpg]](