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Whenever I foe somebody using the .buddy system, it resets to neutral the next time i play with said persons. I have people that i seriously don't like playing with that keep adding me as a friend, and I keep removing them.

Is there a fix for it, or do i just need to be aware enough to pull the buddy menu, and foe them every time?

You can see who friends you, and people who i won't mention, have me ignored, but added as a buddy?
(May 31 2017, 05:55 PM)_nme Wrote: Question..

Whenever I foe somebody using the .buddy system, it resets to neutral the next time i play with said persons. I have people that i seriously don't like playing with that keep adding me as a friend, and I keep removing them.

Is there a fix for it, or do i just need to be aware enough to pull the buddy menu, and foe them every time?

You can see who friends you, and people who i won't mention, have me ignored, but added as a buddy?


I tried to foe _nme because he was crying about players talking too much, and the mute feature just simply is not enough...

I don't want it to kick back to neutral; it is already unbearable that I have to give him that much individualized attention.
it was a combination of things, but yes, i get annoyed when people won't stfu, and not make calls. it's distracting.

back in the day that shit would not have been tolerated, but then again atm we have people who think dropping 30-40 points (which includes 5-6 defuses/bomb plants, or waiting for t's to leave site to pawn frags) makes them good.
(May 31 2017, 10:50 PM)_nme Wrote: it was a combination of things, but yes, i get annoyed when people won't stfu, and not make calls. it's distracting.

back in the day that shit would not have been tolerated, but then again atm we have people who think dropping 30-40 points (which includes 5-6 defuses/bomb plants, or waiting for t's to leave site to pawn frags) makes them good.

+buddy nme?<3?
The +buddy and +foe system isn't really a friendlist, more a "balance" attempt.

Just get the people you want to play with to +buddy you back, it makes the +buddy bond much stronger, same in theory for the +foe.

A 1 way friend or foe wont work most of the time, cause other people in the same server buddied or foed more or less the same people.

And if a extremely low rws player is ignored/foed by every1, usually the highest rws player is stuck with him, even if he got him ignored, foed, blocked on steam, etc.

Players, like Bison, can play with the buddy system 24/7, since a shit ton of people buddied him and since hes not 2 high/low in rws, he can chose with whom hes gonna play by buddying back or not before every pug.

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