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Steam chat log
Steam Wrote:๖Saber: 哈哈哈
๖Saber: 以后我和你聊天只用中文了
๖Saber: 那是干什么的
KuYa: あなたは私にって何て言ったの!?
๖Saber: 我说你是笨蛋啊
๖Saber: 馬鹿
KuYa: あなたのお母さんは愚かである :D
๖Saber: 大笨蛋
๖Saber: 不理你了

Steam Wrote:๖Saber: 笨蛋
John: wo bu shi
๖Saber: バカ
๖Saber: 以后我和你聊天只用中文了
๖Saber: 哈哈哈哈
๖Saber: 你在做什么
John: looking for food

Steam Wrote:๖Saber: 笨蛋
:)DRUNK ONLY :P BRA_H: you too -_-
๖Saber: 以后我和你聊天只用中文了
:)DRUNK ONLY :P BRA_H: why ? -_-
๖Saber: 因为我要让你爱上中文
:)DRUNK ONLY :P BRA_H: why ? You want flirt some chinese girl? :P
๖Saber: 是的啊
:)DRUNK ONLY :P BRA_H: who is she ?
๖Saber: riser的妹妹
:)DRUNK ONLY :P BRA_H: what's her name ?
๖Saber: 我不知道
๖Saber: 她不告诉我

Steam Wrote:Raga: how are there people at level 118 already?
๖Saber: 作弊吧
๖Saber: 以后我和你聊天只用中文了
Raga: ahhh
๖Saber: 你弄好social club了吗

Steam Wrote:๖Saber: 笨蛋
Angel: chinese
Angel: idk chinese
Angel: kya likha h?
๖Saber: 以后我和你聊天只用中文了
Angel: thats hindi :P
Angel: mujhe kuch smj nahi aa raha >.>
Angel: you not playing gta V?
๖Saber: 你快点把clan建好啊
Angel: 沒有你作出這樣的戰隊
๖Saber: 是你提议的,你来做
Angel: 無冒口可能上火了我
Angel: 他不會生氣你
Angel: :P
๖Saber: 你的谷歌翻译太GG了,完全看不懂
Angel: btw which chinese is your traditional or simplified?
๖Saber: 你说riser啊
Angel: the one you using
๖Saber: 简体中文
๖Saber: 只有香港台湾才用繁体中文
Angel: 谷歌翻译太烂
๖Saber: 是中文太难
Angel: 所以有什么的关系?
Angel: 是啊,似乎很难
๖Saber: 你也应该学点中文啊
๖Saber: 其实很简单的

Steam Wrote:๖Saber: 笨蛋
Yuuki Asuna #JoFuJo: 你才是一個笨蛋-.-
๖Saber: 以后我和你聊天只能用中文了
Yuuki Asuna #JoFuJo: 不要
Yuuki Asuna #JoFuJo: 我的中文不好
๖Saber: 前两天我去旅游的时候出了车祸
๖Saber: 没关系你可以说英文
Yuuki Asuna #JoFuJo: I can't read tho
Yuuki Asuna #JoFuJo: That's the thing Lao
Yuuki Asuna #JoFuJo: Lmao
Yuuki Asuna #JoFuJo: I can speak
๖Saber: 好吧,你可以用谷歌翻译的,我不介意
Yuuki Asuna #JoFuJo: 1 sec
๖Saber: 只是前两天的车祸导致我脑部受伤。医生说我大脑用来控制其他语言能力的部分受损
๖Saber: 我现在已经丧失说英文的能力了
๖Saber: 日文法文现在我也说不了了
๖Saber: 只能用我的母语了
Yuuki Asuna #JoFuJo: wat
Yuuki Asuna #JoFuJo: so
Yuuki Asuna #JoFuJo: u can speak
Yuuki Asuna #JoFuJo: english french
Yuuki Asuna #JoFuJo: japanese
Yuuki Asuna #JoFuJo: mandarin
Yuuki Asuna #JoFuJo: thats it?
Yuuki Asuna #JoFuJo: or did u add something else lol
๖Saber: 我的意思是说我不能说英语了
๖Saber: 所以以后我和你聊天只能用中文了
Yuuki Asuna #JoFuJo: Aw
Yuuki Asuna #JoFuJo: Okay
Yuuki Asuna #JoFuJo: Na hao ba :)

Steam Wrote:๖Saber: 笨蛋
redddddd: what is that
๖Saber: 以后我和你聊天只用中文了
redddddd: wtf are u saaying
๖Saber: 你看不懂吗
๖Saber: Reddddddd
redddddd: i understand
redddddd: you want me talk other language
๖Saber: 其实我一直以来都是用谷歌翻译成英文来跟你们聊天的
redddddd: i also can google translate ok
redddddd: watch out
๖Saber: 嗯
redddddd: omg stop
redddddd: kau nak kena rembat?
๖Saber: 不了谢谢

Steam Wrote:๖Saber: 笨蛋
Summer-Sushi♥: ehh?
Summer-Sushi♥: what does that mean?
๖Saber: 以后我和你聊天只用中文了
Summer-Sushi♥: :/
Summer-Sushi♥: i love u?
Summer-Sushi♥: haha
Summer-Sushi♥: well thank cute
๖Saber: 哈哈,你想多了
๖Saber: 寿司
Summer-Sushi♥: eh
๖Saber: 给我你的照片吧

Steam Wrote:๖Saber: 笨蛋
๖Saber: 以后我和你聊天只用中文了
๖Saber: T^T
๖Saber: 你不理我
Justice: lol
Justice: dont write in chinese

Steam Wrote:๖Saber: 你是谁
Haremstuf: stfu
๖Saber: 笨蛋
Haremstuf: pu yao chang hua
๖Saber: 以后我和你聊天只用中文了
Haremstuf: no
๖Saber: 以后说中文会非常流行,我是在提前训练你
Haremstuf: no im first
๖Saber: 你是谁
Haremstuf: its me your brother
Haremstuf: its me fenken
๖Saber: 我不相信你
๖Saber: 我没有兄弟
Haremstuf: i prove already noob
๖Saber: fenken会说中文,你不会
Haremstuf: fenken dont speak china
๖Saber: 他会的,我有证据
Haremstuf: prove it n*
๖Saber: 不要用种族歧视的单词,我会封禁你的
Haremstuf: nah
๖Saber: 那你告诉我,为什么你不叫fenken了
Haremstuf: i dont like the name
๖Saber: 你为什么不爱我了
Haremstuf: i still love everyone
๖Saber: 只是除了我
Haremstuf: naahh
Haremstuf: ni ai ni
Haremstuf: wo ai ni
๖Saber: →_→
๖Saber: 你为什么不再玩css了
Haremstuf: i dont play games
๖Saber: 骗子
Haremstuf: i mean i dont play css
๖Saber: 但是为什么
Haremstuf: idk
๖Saber: 你难道忘记我们曾经在一起玩的时候的快乐时光了吗
Haremstuf: yes but thats old time
๖Saber: 难道你不想念那些旧时光吗
๖Saber: 我们一起玩GTA5吧
Haremstuf: the old members are gone
Haremstuf: no cash for gta
Haremstuf: im poor
๖Saber: 但是我们都在玩呢,很多以前的老朋友们一起
Haremstuf: maybe when i get my pay
๖Saber: 好吧

Steam Wrote:Riser: i think im going to become a pro gta v player
Riser: fuck cs
Riser: im going to do cocaine
Riser: and suck dicks
Riser: suck cocks
Riser: hmm
Riser: delicious

Steam Wrote:๖Saber: did u add the game fold to the scanning path
Riser: no
Riser: oh
Riser: yae
Riser: that makes sense
Riser: i have it installed on another hdd
๖Saber: noob :/
[Image: Photo%20collage-climate%20scenarios-glob...k=rcowMNf5]
ur gay
[Image: 1552267_101.png]
dat ricer tho
Steam Wrote: 4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: was out
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: bison, dude
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: ???
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: you're very rude towards alina
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: how about unbanning her friend?
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: I mean
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: it's only gamebanana skins
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: LOL
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: ^^
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: LOLOL
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: lol
Wow stop making up chat logs
nice riser.
[Image: 76561198017067818.png]

i bet you cannot understand what i just said huh
KuYa: I have automatically added you on my buddy list.
Riser: fuck off
KuYa: lmfao
(Apr 14 2015, 05:14 PM)Angel Wrote:
Steam Wrote:Riser: i think im going to become a pro gta v player
Riser: fuck cs
Riser: im going to do cocaine
Riser: and suck dicks
Riser: suck cocks
Riser: hmm
Riser: delicious

[Image: 76561198086824360.png]
[Image: 1063972_101.png]

wow posted my chat without my permission
pTK Wrote:Never a cheater, but could be a cheater, Once a cheater, less likely legiter. Ruplayer you bitter, You gotta admit everyone's a commiter.
(Apr 15 2015, 12:51 PM)FenKeN Wrote: wow posted my chat without my permission

which one is you? https://war-lords.net/showthread.php?tid=9027
[Image: Photo%20collage-climate%20scenarios-glob...k=rcowMNf5]
(Apr 15 2015, 01:07 PM)Angel Wrote:
(Apr 15 2015, 12:51 PM)FenKeN Wrote: wow posted my chat without my permission

which one is you? https://war-lords.net/showthread.php?tid=9027
That one
pTK Wrote:Never a cheater, but could be a cheater, Once a cheater, less likely legiter. Ruplayer you bitter, You gotta admit everyone's a commiter.
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