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Approved  edited admin app
NAME : kyle aka Vivix
AGE : 27
TIMEZONE: pacifc time zone
AVAILIBILITY : all day most days
SOMETHING ABOUT ME : im a big gamer ive been playing games sence atari
REASON FOR ADMIN : when im playing i see alot of troll players takeing the fun out of the game for people and im on alot so in hopeing people no me they may act right
Steam Integration

You have already linked your Steam account to your forum account.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:50087985
(Jun 10 2015, 11:58 PM)vivixxcore Wrote: hey all my names kyle. im 27. play play css on ur server almost everyday all day lol and im friends with alot of the players in the server so i would be a good admin. ive played cs for the from 1.6 and and now i only play css with a tiny bit of go. and the reason y i would like admin is becasue when im playing i dont see any admins on and there and r alot of trolls who like to take the fun out of the game and troll flash or just mess with others. and a fun fact about me im a warriors fan. DUBS in 7 Smile im pretty sure i linked my account if theres anything else u need for me to do just ask and ill make it happen thx.

Yow vivix Smile Good luck bro!

STEAM_0:1:50087985 my id not sure if u will need it or not but here it is anyways Smile
i jst read a RHYME ??? hahaha
[Image: 76561198086824360.png]
[Image: 1063972_101.png]

Please follow the Admin Applications Guidelines edit your application and link your steam account to your forum profile. Until then we will put this application on hold.

[Image: Photo%20collage-climate%20scenarios-glob...k=rcowMNf5]
Steam Integration

You have already linked your Steam account to your forum account.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:50087985
it says my account is already linked is there another way im missing ?
and i live in the west cali..
You need to follow the format to post the application.

Quote:Name: Your name
Age: Your current age
Timezone: The timezone you live in
Availability: The times during the day you would be fulfilling your role as an admin.
Tell us something about yourself: Anything really, a simple fact or a short story.
Reason For Admin Application: Tell us the reason you want to be an admin.
[Image: Photo%20collage-climate%20scenarios-glob...k=rcowMNf5]
NAME : kyle aka Vivix
AGE : 27
TIMEZONE: pacifc time zone
AVAILIBILITY : all day most days
SOMETHING ABOUT ME : im a big gamer ive been playing games sence atari
REASON FOR ADMIN : when im playing i see alot of troll players takeing the fun out of the game for people and im on alot so in hopeing people no me they may act right
Steam Integration

You have already linked your Steam account to your forum account.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:50087985

Please be patient while we, the WL staff, evaluate your application for admin candidacy.
[Image: 76561198017067818.png]

Read the pinned threads in the admin board, add any admin if you need help.

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