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Joker App Round 2
Name:  The Raging Bro
Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:8754530
Age: 20
Tell us something about yourself: Admin Application Round 2. xFerior said there was no time limit, so here's an “actual application.” I did apply in late May, and many of the applications that were given sent in had little actual text in it, so I judged mine off of them. There have been many additions to the admin staff since my original application in May, and I have not seen many of them on during a consistent time.

For admin capabilities, I have been an admin on a various amount of servers ranging in games like BF1942, BF2, BF2142, TF2, CS 1.6, CS:CZ, and CS:S. My experience with hacks have been present from ever since I started gaming nearly 9 years ago. I have seen a large variety of hacks in multiple games, and as a result became an Anti-Cheat admin for various smaller leagues and competitions. During this time, I became intricately involved with the intricacies of both public and private hacks, as reviewing a demo of a single match could take up to four to five hours.

While many of the websites and clans that I have been on no longer have active websites or anything, I have been an admin in multiple large communities and clans. As I stated before,
FPSB Admin: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/fpsbsa [No game servers are currently run anymore. Length of admin: 2 years. Community is pretty big. Kept a 32/32 man server full nearly 12+ hours a day. FPSBanana is a relatively large community with about 700+ members in its steam group. Many of you may know of this community and such.

[ @ ] Gaming Society http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ATGS Primarily a BF2 clan, it never made the transition to Steam. If you're creepy and good at checking out old websites atgs.org was our website. At the height of the day the clan had about 40-50 actives a day, and around 200-300 total active members, with a majority of them paying dues. At this point I was about the 6th highest ranked member and had global admin.
I’ve been admins on more than 10+ servers, and have never been stripped of my admin rights or suspended. I consider admin as a last resort, and merely as a tool to allow for the better gameplay of the current server players.

For players capabilities, I have been playing on the WarLords servers for 8 days and 17 hours at the time of this application. I’m currently ranked 11 out of the players that frequent #1, #2, and #4, and I believe I’m one of the players who play the most in the servers. As for experience, I have played in both CAL-O, CAL-M league matches, been a 6th man in both a CAL-I and CPL team (Though I had never actually played in a CPL team, nor had to attend it in Texas). I have been involved in competitive gaming for quite a while, and have done so throughout a variety of games.

In addition to this, I think I can offer greatly to the position as from my current understanding CS:S admins also gain admin rights in TF2. At this time, I am also currently ranked 3rd on the TF2 servers, and have been one of the few players that have tried to actively populate the servers when they are dead.

For the server, I think I have the required capabilities required to be an admin. I don’t start major flame wars and I don’t get involved with the general bullshit that has occurred over the past few months. Many players know me as a regular, and I don’t go around screaming hacks, hacks, hacks, or shit. The stuff I do say on the server is all in good fun, and is never meant to be taken offensively, and I’ve really never had anyone try and troll or argue with me.

I would like to state that I do know the fine line between what needs to be in an admin personality and not. My feelings is that an admin must be generally accessible as well as fun, to promote a good environment in the servers. I feel like I already exemplify this personality.

I know quite a few members dislike Hydro & MassAppeal, and have been concerned with the drama that has occurred with the past. I’d like to clear the air, and say that Bison, at the bare minimum can attest to the fact that I was never around for the bullshit that went down. I’d frequently come back onto the server and teamspeak to find that the clan somehow disbanded and reformed. I’ll put this out there, clans, clan tags, and such don’t mean jack shit to me. I’ve been involved in way to many clans where I had to work my way up the “ranks” to be granted privileges, and in reality, all I want to do now is to play the game to have fun than rather kiss someone’s ass to get privileges. As a result of this, I say what I mean, and I’m not afraid to back my word. Clan drama, and player drama is not what I’ve ever been involved in, and to be honest, I don’t give a shit. I scrim more with Angry then I do with MassAppeal, so I’m tired of randos on the server giving me shit for it.

For a great deal of time, I was one of the few people that continually frequented the Teamspeak server as well. For a quite a bit of time, no one idled the Teamspeak server, and when I came home, I frequently would come back with 4-5 requests to kick/ban a hacker or a micspammer.
My personal belief is that the server has numerous admins that frequently respond to demos that are posted on the forums, but there are not enough admins present on the servers to promptly respond to the numerous hackers that frequent the server. While I commend those that do, there are still quite a few current admins that do not. Moreover, I do believe that some of the admins do register a lot of false positives for those that hack, and are unable to detect some of private hacks that are out there. I think my area of expertise in this area would help provide more of a coverage on the servers.

Reason for Admin Application: Despite the number of admins that have been accepted, there still remains a quite a bit of time when there are no admins present on the server. While I do believe there are quite a few good admins that are present on the server, it is my belief that quite a few admins rarely play on the server and are not recognized by the regulars on the server. The first time I applied for admin was due to the fact that other players continually expected me to have the ability to kick & ban hackers. Moreover, a lot of the regulars are surprised when I tell them I am unable to kick and/or ban a player from the server because I do not have admin.

It's also useful to be able to run scrims and pugs. While it's becoming less of an issue, one of the big issues that pushed me for the application for admin would be for the ability to start & run the LO3 scripts on the Scrim server. I am one of the members that do use the server quite frequently, and am present for nearly every scrim. We've run into numerous problems and times where we were unable to initiate a scrim because an admin was not on.

I gather that this is a voting process, and all of the admins do vote. I’d like to ask this time to have any concerns brought up to me, and I can easily address them. I feel like a good majority of admins do not frequent the servers and the Teamspeak enough to be a judge of either my personality or character. I feel like I have put a lot of time and effort into the War-Lords servers to populate them and help them run successfully. I do remember the time when even the War-Lords servers for CS:S were at least hardly populated.

At times like these, I do realize it is a popularity vote, and I have been guilty of such votes in the past whether it be at work or in my Fraternities, but I do urge those that review this app to not only view my personality and actions, but also my qualifications and skills that I could bring to such a position, to make an informed decision. I feel like I am a highly qualified individual and I simply want the ability to kick & ban those that make the server play not fun.
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]

Thank you for your admin application, we will be evaluating it soon, and reply as soon as possible.

O.O That is one long admin application.
Counter-Strike: Source
War-Lords.net Public Clan: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/W-L/

Contact xFerior (me) for more information on the Public Server clan.

[Image: 2evxipy.jpg]
Im srry u have been denied we just flat out dont like u LOL

JK BRO JK im not posing as a admin this is just a joke for joker LOL
PaSS Wrote:Im srry u have been denied we just flat out dont like u LOL

JK BRO JK im not posing as a admin this is just a joke for joker LOL

This is why you were getting warned. lol.
Counter-Strike: Source
War-Lords.net Public Clan: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/W-L/

Contact xFerior (me) for more information on the Public Server clan.

[Image: 2evxipy.jpg]
BULL SHIT that was all a joke just like above i was jking i think joker will make a awsome admin hes cool calm and rages ya perfect just like spokis media and hydro o fuck those didnt work out to well o well hes will make a good admin give it to him

Thank you for your admin application, we will be evaluating it soon, and reply as soon as possible.

O.O That is one long admin application.
The original was actually longer, but I decided to cut it down for your guy's sake. I'm typically usually bothered by applying for things and not getting it. Yeah, I know, it's not a good thing to be bothered by, but it's how I am. Wink
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]
as i said joker ull make a good admin i gonna try for it once i get enough playing time and xferior teaches me wtf hacks look like
PaSS Wrote:BULL SHIT that was all a joke just like above i was jking i think joker will make a awsome admin hes cool calm and rages ya perfect just like spokis media and hydro o fuck those didnt work out to well o well hes will make a good admin give it to him
For clarification, the origins of the name, The Raging Bro is not the definition that most players go by. It's simple known for that because of what people assume. RAGING, at least in my region, refers to partying hard.

And, haha. Forgot to tell you, my last application was for my Fraternity, and it was a total of 27 pages, with 2 more pages of calendars. Wink
[Image: JokerSig.jpg]

^ so u dont mean that

thats probly a good thing lol

cool story bro
joker8baller Wrote:At times like these, I do realize it is a popularity vote...
not really true.  :-\
Steam Wrote: 4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: was out
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: bison, dude
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: ???
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: you're very rude towards alina
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: how about unbanning her friend?
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: I mean
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: it's only gamebanana skins
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: LOL
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: ^^
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: LOLOL
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: lol

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