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wtf!!!!!! no reply button
Well, you could contribute to the community by reporting hackers and submitting demos. That would be a lot more helpful to us that posting comments on demos already submitted and reviewed by admins. I think I speak for all of the staff when I say that we can never have too many people submitting demos. We really do need our regular players to be vigilant of hackers, as we can't always be there when someone is breaking the rules Smile
If you read this, you suck.
Rabbit Wrote:
PaSS Wrote:i belive they should add it cause all these admins get posts cause all of the post now days are admin apps ban appeals or ban reports so ya

I encourage you to post topics in the sections you are allowed to post to get your " post count ". If there isn’t a thread worthwhile to post in… then make one… Just make sure its worthwhile.

}{@K@P Wrote:i don't start flames.......  :o i just want to be part of the community, i'll wait until root admins will reply  :-\

Maybe you should submit an Admin application if you meet the requirements and feel the need to contribute for the community.


lol rabbit the minimum playing time is 5 days but i have like 33 DAYS of popular and full rotation time, so i met the minimum requirement like almost 7 times  :o
hmmm me becoming an admin? i'm playing css for about 1 year now, so maybe i don't know much stuff about css but you should test me (maybe i'm wrong) .......... when i see others admin applications denied, it gives me a fear, that when i will submit the application, i will get denied too because other got denied. If i will get denied i will be really screwed  :-[

actually raven i did like 4-5 times........

http://war-lords.net/abuse-problems/sup ... /#msg12548

http://war-lords.net/abuse-problems/cam ... /#msg13440

http://war-lords.net/abuse-problems/nag ... /#msg15677

http://war-lords.net/abuse-problems/ree ... /#msg23198

i think that's it ......... :Smile
Lol we're not demons just because we don't speak Russian!

PaSS Wrote:i still honestly belive there should be a comment or reply button on any topic regardless what it is about just my point of few

Do you not trust the staff here to be able to discern whether a user is hacking or not?

It all really comes down to this : If you feel that you have any significant information about a ban appeal, PM an admin. Before we had the block on users posting in ban appeals, we had full on arguments break out in topics, and a lot of flaming occurred. The best way to prevent this was to block all users from replying to ban appeals.

Secondly, there really is no need for you to reply on a ban appeal. Ideally, a ban appeal should just be the user posting their defence, and admins providing accurate evidence and information which proves that the ban is justifiable. Nowhere in that equation is there room for outsider opinions. It's unnecessary, and the best case scenario is that someone posts something like

Quote:Yeah I agree, that dude was totally hacking

It's just not really worth it. As I've said before, if you really want to contribute to the community, report hackers and provide us with the demos to ban them. Show us that you have the skills to spot hackers, and are able to report them properly. If you show us behaviour like an admin, maybe you'll get to be admin Smile You're scared of applying because you think you'll get denied, you should give us a reason to not deny you; by showing us that you'd be a good admin before even becoming one!

So please, when you're on the servers, keep an eye out for hackers. You'd be contributing much more to the community than posting in a thread.
If you read this, you suck.
tbh rival i was not nessarly talking about ban appeals and such. i just ment any topic on the forum which is not locked every one should have free run on. i dont judge your admin rights or any thing im just saying would be cool to hear peoples thoughts on subjects that admins would only have access to, or i guess do even tho its a public topic. if admins want this area to them self private the area i think that is fair enough or remove the posts from the recent posts cause there useless to us users that come here to post. i go looking through the list going

ban appeal
ban appeal
ban appeal
ban appeal
ban appeal
ban appeal
admin app
admin app
ban appeal
ban appeal
o i can post here
ban appeal
ban appeal
ban appeal
ban appeal
ban appeal

im just saying ban appeals are spamming the recent posts area, and this should be taken care of i want an area where we can just chat about the topic at hand, not sorting through a list of ban appeals and admin apps

i relize that the people who want unbanned may wanna see there post. well if they wanna see the ban appeals  and want unbanned bad enough they will just have to find away around getting to that certain topic. i can think of at least 3 or 4 diff ways to get back to a certain topic with out it being in recent topics area spamming it up.

i belive this change will bring more activity to the forum cause it will give more areas for the people to post in and not just seeing a bunch of spam ban appeals.

I think my point still stands firm.

@Pass & }{@K@P

As I understand it, you're frustrated because the "recent topics" section is filled up with topics that you can't reply to? The easiest solution to this would be to remove this topics from your view, so only topics that you could post are displayed in the recent topics bit.

}{@K@P, if you check all those ban reports, they've all been replied to by admins and they have all been banned. The entire Hacker Abuse section is regularly checked by admins. Don't worry, we do our job!
If you read this, you suck.
The original question asked within this thread has already been answered. I really don't see any reason for why this thread has continued on as long as it did.

To reiterate what was discussed in this thread, I'll post the question in bold and the official reply right afterwords.

"Why isn't there a reply button in ban protests for regular users to use?"
The reply button was removed due to previous nonsensical flame wars which took place in the thread and were instigated by numerous regulars and forum posters.

"I'd like to start off by saying that I'm not one of those lunatics who like to instigate nonsensical flame wars. Furthermore, I believe that I can help the investigation with valuable opinion and experience or further present additional evidence for review. How can I go about contributing this towards the ban protest?"
You should contact an admins whose involved in the investigation, or if that's not a possibly, then you should contact a root or senior admin about it. You can go about contacting these people in a variety of ways including PM, Steam, AIM, MSN, or E-Mail.

"Can you make ban protests not show in the recent topics since we can't reply to them anyways?"
Probably, but we'd have to rewrite some of the permission queries for SimplePortal. I'll take a look into it sometime later perhaps.  Smile

If you think there's a question which failed to be answered shoot me a PM or make a follow up thread.

Steam Wrote: 4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: was out
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: bison, dude
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: ???
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: you're very rude towards alina
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: how about unbanning her friend?
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: I mean
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: it's only gamebanana skins
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: LOL
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: ^^
4:02 PM - Brawl Bashin’ Bison: LOLOL
4:02 PM - George, of the jungle: lol
you shouldn't even be able to view ban appeals you did not create. I will fix the plugin so that that's no longer an issue.

If you have a strong / compelling case for why the public should be able to remark on ban appeals please PM me and I'd be happy to reconsider.

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