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What binds do you use?
[Image: take-a-chill-pill.jpg]
Oh, take one of mines...
I help all the time, yet people never read, or search for information themselves. How do you think you become knowledgeable about things? By searching for stuff, reading the information you find, or is readily given to you. It's the same thing with the autoexec tweak threads I wrote, the same thing with the rates thread I wrote. All the information was there, I explained it in the simplest way I could, and people still just asked me questions that were clearly answered.

If you want an answer about binds, fine, I'll give you one.

HOW DO I SHOT BINDS?!?!?!?!?!?

Using the scripting language provided in most Source games, you can bind pretty much any command to any key. The format usually works like this :

bind "key" "action"

You'll type this in console, or you can add it to your autoexec file (located in C:/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/OneTakeThomson/counterstrikesource/cstrike/cfg, where "OneTakeThomson" is your account name. For non Steam users, this would be in Counter Strike Source/cstrike/cfg). If you don't know what an autoexec file is, you can find out about it in the extensive thread I wrote here. That thread tells you how to create one, where to store it, and just the basic commands you can use in it. There is also another thread that is linked on there, which gives extensive client side cvars to tweak your graphics.


So now you have your autoexec open, and you want some binds. If you were clever, you'd have a binds section in your autoexec, like I have in that thread. There are a few ways you can use binds :

- Generally just binding one key to do one action. You already have several binds, you just wouldn't realise it. Pressing W to go forward is a bind. Pressing Y to text chat is a bind. There is an action behind each key, and by writing a tiny line of code, you can set any key on the keyboard to do any action in game.

- You can bind one key to do several actions. This is called a "script". The script will run when you press the key that is bound to it. For example, I have this "toggle chat" bind key, so that when I press Caps Lock once, it starts to transmit voice on my mic, and when I press it again, it turns it off.

- You can also bind values to increase/decrease by increment. Usually you'd just have one key, and pressing this key would cycle through several functions that you've set. One I can think of is if you wanted to have your cmdrate to cycle through, depending if you visit different servers. Pressing the key once would set it to 33, once again would set it to 66, and once more to 100.

Now with just those 3 types of binds, you can do quite a bit. Lets start with buying.


Using The Binds Built In To The Buy Window

So we all know that it's a long task buying things when you spawn in CS:S. There are 4 binds you can use through the games buy window. You buy the equipment you need, then click on which preset you want it to be saved to, so when you're in the buy window you can just press S, D, F or G.

For example, I have all 4 of mine set up like this :

- Pressing "S" in the buy menu will buy me - deagle, kevlar and helmet and a defuse kit
- Pressing "D" in the buy menu will buy me the previous, plus an M4/AK (depending on which team)
- Pressing "F" in the buy menu will buy me the "S" bind, plus a Scout
- Pressing "G" in the buy menu will buy me the "S" bind, plus an Awp.

Along with remembering certain combinations to buy other weapons (such as B 2 1 for Pump Shotgun, B 1 5 for Dual Elites on T side, B 3 1 for TMP on CT side), you can effectively cut down the time it takes to buy your kit to just a few seconds. Whilst everyone else is clicking (lol) the weapons that they want, you're already out of spawn and getting frags! There is no need to use this in your autoexec, it's configurable straight from the buy window. If you want to configure this, I suggest creating your own server on your machine, going in and just sorting it out from there.

How To Bind Using Autoexec

So if you dont want to use the Source buy window binds, then that's fair enough. You're limited to just 4 preset loadouts, so I wouldn't blame you if you wanted a bit more. What I'd suggest is using your keypad, binding a load of weapons to that. The keypad is pretty much useless (I use it for taunts), so it would make sense to just load it up with buy binds, right? You can also use arrow keys, the 6 above the arrows (Home, Insert etc), the "useless keys" (like []';#/,.), pretty much any key that isn't already used.

So lets say, you want to bind the key "P" to buy you a deagle. You'd open up your autoexec, and  make a new section marked "Binds" :


Once you have that at the top, you know that everything below that is related to binds. That way you won't end up with a messy autoexec (I have seen some terrible ones). So then you'd type :


bind "p" "buy deagle"  //Buys Night Hawk

That's literally it. I put the "//Buys Night Hawk" at the end because using "//" at the end of any line of script in your autoexec will stop console reading anything passed that point (only on that line though). It's just so you can make notes in your autoexec that you don't want console to try and load. It's helpful if you have a line of command that you might forget what it does.

So let me load you up with my keypad template, and I'll throw in a few weapon binds :


////Numberpad (0-9)

bind "kp_ins" "buy deagle"   //0 - Buys Night Hawk
bind "kp_end" "buy ak47"   //1 - Buys CV-47
bind "kp_downarrow" "buy m4a1"  //2 - Buys M4 Carbine
bind "kp_pgdn" "buy awp"   //3 - Buys Magnum Sniper Rifle
bind "kp_leftarrow" "buy flashbang"    //4 - Buys Flashbang
bind "kp_5" "buy hegrenade "    //5 - Buys HE Grenade
bind "kp_rightarrow" "buy smokegrenade"   //6 - Buys Smoke Grenade
bind "kp_home" "buy defuser"    //7 - Buys Defuse Kit
bind "kp_uparrow" "buy vesthelm"    //8 - Buys Helmet & Kevlar
bind "kp_pgup" "buy m3"    //9 - Buys Pump Shotgun

That's just the only weapons I could think that I would need binded, plus all the grenades and defuse kit. So now you have all your binds, and they're all in your autoexec. All you do now is save the autoexec, and they'll be ready to use next time you play CS:S. Simples!


Well, no. I'm not going to do that. The link that Jaycat provided has ample information about buying with CS:S, INCLUDING ALL THE WEAPON NAMES YOU'D USE IN AUTOEXEC. I just thought I'd write something out because it's pretty obvious no one's going to read that link. I checked it out, and it was really informative, so I can bet money no one here is gonna give a fuck. Either way, if you want me to carry on doing more of these threads, let me know. The next one would most likely be a bit more advanced, but it would be about a topic that a lot of people want to know about.
If you read this, you suck.
As I said before, I think that you do go the extra mile to help people out on issues like this. You do the research on certain aspects of the game and make threads on how they can do what they want to do. I'm not sure about the rest of the people, but I do appreciate the research and time that you put into the posts that you make to help the people out. The one thing that I don't want to see is the classic reply "Just do a search you f*ing noob".

We are a community and are here to help each other. I have seen a lot of animosity between the members of this community lately and it makes me sad. I don't want to ramble on with this so I just would like to make the suggestion that next time someone asks the question like how do I bind a key? (as an example).

The reply would be:
Hey, I saw a great post on how you can do that here. ... /#msg36694

That's all I am asking.
[Image: scary-cat-100.jpg]
There is a proverb that says "Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you'll feed him for life". I think that's quite fitting here.

It's what I always say. I don't mind helping people out when it's a specific problem, or I feel that some guides on the internet aren't actually that easy to understand. I like making a topic and then having people ask me questions (providing that the answer to that question isn't available to them if they just read the content).

It got extremely frustrating pouring my time into providing people with answers to readily available information on the internet.

The question "how do I bind a key in CS:S" would actually take less time to type into Google than it would to make a post about it on here. If they'd have Googled it and then still not understood, or wanted something a bit more specific, then I could have been a bit more sympathetic. I think it's actually an insult to the collective knowledge of millions of people to not use Google for something so simple. That's what frustrates me.

I'll carry on doing my series on autoexec stuff. Gonna expand a little onto what I've said here about binds. I try and make my threads simple enough for people to understand. Honestly, if they are still too complicated (not in a patronising way, I just have a flair for long words), then I can do videos and diagrams to help explain what I mean, I really don't mind. I'd rather people told me if they were too complicated, so that I could change them and make them easier. But all I get is "how do you do this thing" when it's already been stated clearly and fully in a huge post.
If you read this, you suck.
I nominate maps...  :o
ruplayer Wrote:I nominate maps...  :o

Can we please drop the drama?

I, The Rival Wrote:I'd rather people told me if they were too complicated, so that I could change them and make them easier. But all I get is "how do you do this thing" when it's already been stated clearly and fully in a huge post.

We could just answer the simple questions that they ask. Some of the people here will read read the in depth posts that you make and others, when they read the post their eyes will just glaze over wondering what the hell you are talking about. These are the ones that we need to help and walk through the steps to what they are trying to do. That's all that I am saying. That's what we are here for.
[Image: scary-cat-100.jpg]
Here's for those who play on servers with zblock(shows team cash):
bind "v" "zb_teamcash"

If you own a server with zblock, to lo3 and start recording:
bind "F5" "rcon zb_record"
bind "F6" "rcon exec server.cfg; rcon zb_stoprecord"
bind "K" "rcon zb_ko3"
bind "L" "rcon zb_lo3"
Jay thats why I said "if its too complicated, tell me and I can make diagrams and videos". Obviously if I go to the effort to write huge threads, then making pictures and videos really isn't more of an effort than that :|

Also Ruplayer brings up a good point. You should probably get them to shuffle the votemap plugin nominations, so that people can't exploit it like he is doing.
If you read this, you suck.
I nominate them! ...Maps!
be the best version of yourself, that's all you can do.

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